Because of Sebastian, Sasha had lost the use of her legs and also her eyesight.

He had done so many hurtful things to her over the years, but she had never left him no matter what he did. In the past, he had always likened her to a sticky bubble gum that he could never get rid of.

Yet now, she refused to see him.

Sasha had finally decided to leave him.

Sebastian stood there in a daze with his body swaying slightly as he recalled the day when she appeared in front of him and told him that she was back. Her face had been hopeful that day. His heart sank as he thought of her elated expression then.

He knew then what she meant.


However, his fear of being abandoned by her again had caused him to ignore her completely.

When all was said and done, he was still the one who got dumped.


Not to mention in such a manner as well.

His shoulders drooped, and his blood ran cold. It felt like his heart had stopped beating. There were tears in his bloodshot eyes. All that was left was emptiness and utter despair.

Sasha, can we stop?

Can we just live in peace for the rest of our lives?

Unbeknownst to Sebastian, Sasha wanted the same thing too.

However, there was no other choice for her.

knew that during her time at the villa, she had attempted to restore the use of her legs by performing acupuncture

effect, Sasha had been using the needle to save herself. The risk in doing so was great as

Sasha had been very careful when she did the

thought was that there might be an

moment, Sasha was

was only

I’ve already made the phone call, will you go to the hospital? What’s

started lecturing Sasha the

with one another, it

Sasha simply

attempted to push her out of the room that she

are you trying

I’m trying to do? What else can I be doing? I’m going to send you

now, Sabrina’s patience had been exhausted, and her words became

actually meant and instantly

go to the hospital.

you showing that

again. Back then, the drugs that Solomon had given me to numb my legs had damaged my optic nerve. That’s why I lost my eyesight. There’s no

was true, to

whatever she


legs and eyes are


by what she heard that she took two steps back. There were no words to describe her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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