Sabrina stopped and turned to look at Sasha.

After losing so much blood, Sasha had become so pale that she looked like a walking corpse. Her red, bloodshot eyes made her look even scarier.

It was as if blood had filled every corner of her eyes to the point that even the irises were stained red.

Sasha’s appearance shocked Sabrina.

“No, it’s not like this. I’m not blind. Don’t show him the video. I’ll be able to cure myself. Please don’t tell him anything now. Wait till I get better.”

Sasha’s arms were flailing about in the air as she spoke. She was obviously desperate and fearful, and her incoherent speech made her look like a lunatic.


With shaky hands, she searched her body for the needle.

Sabrina regained her senses and rushed forward to stop her.


“Sasha, what are you trying to do?”

“I-I’m trying to cure my blindness. I know what’s going on. Let go of my hand. Let go.”

Sasha struggled, hoping that Sabrina would release her grip.

That was not going to happen. There was no way Sabrina would let go given the former’s current manic condition.

In the end, Sabrina had no choice but to knock Sasha out.

out her phone and snapped some photographs

then laid Sasha down in

nearly fainted when he saw

all his fault that Sasha was in

him, not only did she get shot, but she also had to make a

humiliation that he gave her that night, he had never

he had never been good to

in his eyes. Staring at those photos, all he felt right then was regret, guilt, agony,


Hayes, a-are you

their best medical experts over here. In addition, mobilize the helicopters and military vessels. I want to get to this place as

got to work

Sebastian and his men got to the women’s

Do you think they’ve been taken by


a change for the

few minutes later, a group of men was left to continue their search in that area while the rest headed toward Drake

repercussion of a certain

his way to Jetroina, he received a video that showed the entire villa being razed to the ground. He could not


I’m afraid he will really make his way to Xenhall. Once he has killed everyone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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