The current news, for example, had a media bias, guided by Evelyn’s hidden agenda. Someone wanted Sabrina to be the target of the internet’s wrath.

Yet, what they didn’t wish to be known, such as her defense, was shrouded in obscurity. Tyrone prevented any attempts at clearing her name. If she dared to share the truth on the internet, her post would be erased.

Bradley and Sabrina spent some time together at a bar.

“Are you free this afternoon?” Sabrina inquired.

“No. My agent would be blowing up my phone if I had any engagements. I can stick around with you for a while. How about dinner at my place tonight? I’ve finally got some downtime.”

“Sure,” Sabrina agreed. “I’ll need to pick up some gifts for your parents, though. It wouldn’t be right to show up empty-handed.”

“Oh, they won’t mind. Seeing you will make them happy.”

wouldn’t be

a shopping

“I’LL accompany you.”

I’m at the center of a controversy. You could get dragged into it if

unperturbed by the online

normal person. Once the news lost its

followers might keep

can take my car and I’ll wait for you in the

“Sounds good.”

then accompanied Bradley to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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