Upon entering, Bradley changed his shoes and called out, “Mom, Dad, guess who’s here?”

“Who could it be?” Cathy, Bradley’s mother, rose from the sofa and approached the door. Upon recognizing Sabrina behind Bradley, she exclaimed in surprise, “It’s Sabrina! Please, come in. Why did you bring so much stuff? We’ve got everything we need here.”

“Mrs. Morgan!”

“We’re so happy to see you. Leave your things here, I’ll have someone put them away later. Please, sit down.” Cathy took Sabrina by the hand and guided her to a seat on the sofa.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you. How have you and Mr. Morgan been recently?”

“We’re doing just fine. Bradley is caught up with work and doesn’t come home often. We really appreciate that you find the time to visit us every now and then.”

“I’LL make a point of visiting more often.”

an armchair, watching the two women

had little interest in surfing the

Internet. When she came across praise for her son, she felt overjoyed. But when she encountered slander, it made her uncomfortable, and sometimes she would even engage in arguments with those individuals. However, she always ended up losing and

read the news about Sabrina

years through Bradley, Cathy understood the tendency of

her not to let such things

If there was truly something going on between

in the

Morgan. Don’t worry. People can say whatever they want, but I will continue living my life. Their words won’t have any influence

wonder why Tyrone hasn’t dismissed these rumors. Won’t they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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