Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 127

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 127 – His Junk Swam In Water

Beatrice’s POV:

He dragged me back home in silence. Although I asked him questions, he didn’t utter anything back to me.

Once we were in the living room, he told me to wait while ne brings the brothers out for the meeting.

Title of the document

I knew Maddox and Zane were not home. Akin and Gwen were in the kitchen, as always, when Helel brought them here.

Gwen entered first, followed by Akin, who stopped immediately when looking at me. I couldn’t tell why, but it seemed like he passed me a head-to-toe glance before taking a seat near the fireplace on a single sofa.

“Hey,” Maddox, who had just entered the mansion, walked into the living room with Dream, who still looked pretty upset and even frowned when our eyes connected.

Helel was standing at the door and collecting his brothers like he was collecting Pokémon characters.

Soon Zane walked in, all soaking wet. Now that everyone had settled down, I was wondering why Dream hadn’t left for her pack.

was long gone, but she lingered around, and I a*s*sumed it was due to

gather us here?” Akin asked as he kept noticing how well-dressed I was. His Grey sterling eyes would sharply roam around my face and then travel down to my dress before they wandered off to

here for the announcement,” Maddox muttered under his clenched jaw and then gestured at Dream, who still had no clue who I was

about me in specific. I have gathered you all to talk about us as a family,” Helel uttered, standing

to take us to picnic on all the iconic war grounds to tell us about their achievements and how our great werewolf warriors fought hard to secure our land and packs from the

there since— but hey, everybody enjoyed,” Maddox brought it up, and everybody cackled. I wanted

talking about when we were kids,”

eighteen,” Akin corrected him with a playful look, and Helel narrowed his eyes even more. He had his hands on his waist before he removed them and started tying up his

Helel said, taking deep breaths to

while everybody cheered

I feared the roof would collapse. But on the flip side, he looked very content

intervened as he raised his voice and

water. How fasci- nating!”

He gulped and turned his body away from

him with a smile on my lips, and I didn’t even realize it until a

finally stopped the playful b*ull*ying and gestured

see the volcano before it erupts,” Helel suggested, and for a moment, everybody

write him a permission letter to take the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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