Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 128

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 128 – Vortex!

“This is so pretty,” Dream yelled, jumping up and down after we finished hiking to the top of the mountain next to the volcano.

The volcano was pretty symbolic, it was also radiating weird energy. The volcano in particular was called a Vortex; filled with energy.

Ever since we had traveled to the west and reached the mountains, I had been feeling super alive.

Title of the document

I can’t recall when I have felt so good about myself before. It was certainly the volcano and the change of scenery.

Helel and Zane were setting up the tents near the mountains on the ground while we were hiking down again.

We girls were wearing tops and shorts with hats and big boots. We didn’t match. It was coincidental. In fact, Dream and Gwen haven’t said a word to me this entire time.

“It’s beautiful up there,” Gwen said, approaching Akin, who was fixing his tent.

I heard they were not sleeping in the same tent. It was weird how one day they were expressing feelings and getting intimate cut to weeks later. They haven’t even expressed fondness in that way again.

I walked over to Helel, who was setting up a tent too, and I stood beside him, my eyes stuck on Gwen, who was laughing and giggling with Akin.

four tents,” Maddox announced after everything was set

my head. No way was I going to share a tent with either Gwen or

pointed at a blue tent with a huge smile on her lips. Every- body stared at her for a moment before they

Zane suggested, but that only made

why I told you guys to get those new big and updated ones,” Maddox complained when he was the one

tell he didn’t want to be

hungry. Let’s start cooking first and leave the other matters for later.” Helel smartly dismissed the subject, as none of us wanted Gwen to be alone in the tent

around while Gwen was sticking to

needed some wood for later, so I took it upon myself and walked into the deep mountains to

but I was not as confident as I was

he rushed and held me up. His firm hand grabbed onto my back while his muscular chest with an open shirt

talked. I was so immersed in watching him that I forgot I was not supposed to show any interest

nudged my body to wake me up, and when I did, I awkwardly pulled

alright?” he asked, making me look at him again,

I asked, peering at him

you changed drastically,” He uttered, stepping a little back but then placing his foot on the big

known anyone besides her mother. So, when I found you all, I got desperate for attention,” I admitted to being overly sensitive and demanding attention to the point

don’t want any attention anymore?” he questioned playfully, but I get what

someone I could not reject but with whom

when I stared at the piece of wood. “I’ll go bring it really quickly,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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