Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 375

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 375 – Not Entertaining Him Anymore

Reign Winchester

A month passed by, and I had been just yearning for my sister. Her funeral was the most saddening day for me. She had been alone her entire life, even when I thought she had friends and I was the loner.

She tried her best to fit in, and in the end, she left with the gift of life.

Title of the document

“Did you stumble upon anything?” Colt walked into the room with a fancy cup of coffee in it, “oh! I thought you would love to drink coffee in new cups every day,” he passed me a cute smile and then put the coffee down.

I have been assigned a task to locate the pendant by Akin, but so far, I can’t find it.

It was as if there was a protection spell shielding it from being found.

something, flashes of that day

by the table where I had laid down Beatrice’s blood and some spell books, “your sister will be proud of you,” he

spells. They worked for me, proving I was capable of doing much more than just being a werewolf. Well, that is why I believe my werewolf side is dormant. I never had a strong werewolf, just

said to Colt after numerous

you, so that means she can cast a spell or locate things,” his guess was good.

get my hands

things at the mansion, though?” I asked Colt,

home because Maddox and Zane refuse to see him around. The guards around the cabin also don’t like Helel visiting Beatrice because he still has the dagger. That thing is angering Helel, but now he is concerned too. He doesn’t want to hurt Beatrice, but because everybody keeps saying he is capable of doing so, he has decided to stay away from the cabin.

visit me today. Ge was supposed to take a look at these findings,” I pointed at the map. There were a few places where my mind went whenever I tried to locate the pendant, so I thought maybe it was worth

of his nights near the cabin, probably with Beatrice. He never goes inside because he doesn’t want to break the promises he made with her. but he sits in the door

accept Beatrice before? I mean, I can tell that he is love-love with her,” I didn’t lie, but Colt shook his

anyone. Helel has gone crazy over the past month. If he heard you say Akin loves Beatrice, he will go after Akin,” Colt seemed scared of Helel, someone who had saved him once

he is

“Who? Helel?” Colt frowned.

he was a dark knight. Now he is trying his best to adjust to his new identity, but so far he has been shamed for it. Every time he does something, we all remind him that the new him

in my face and his jaw clenching. It was clearly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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