Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 376

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 376 – Maybe A Spy

Akin’s POV:

“Do you remember the night you went missing?” I said as I sat in the doorway and watched her sleep peacefully, “That was the night when I realized how much you meant to me. I was so scared that I had lost you that I felt paralyzed. And then you changed. You didn’t give a shit about anything, and I fell hard for you. I always kept my emotions and feelings in check, but they started to shake at one point. How long can someone act strong and pretend to not be in love?” I smiled as I imagined Beatrice looking all awkward, as if I had said those things to her face.

I tried to keep my promises, but Helel was not coming into my grasp. He was moving farther away, and all I could do was watch him slip away. It is not like I didn’t try, but things have taken such a dark turn that nothing is in my control anymore.

Title of the document

“But now that you are there—,” as I attempted to speak more, I received a call from Reign. It was important because I knew it must be in regard to the pendant. “Tell me you found it,” I attended the call, getting up and briskly walking away from the cabin to my vehicle.

“I did get some information, but it seems like the pendant is moving,” she said from the other side, making me frown.

“You mean somebody is carrying it,” I corrected.

“Yeah, but you know what’s weird?” She asked, and I stopped beside the car’s door.

“There is more?” I sighed tiredly.

carried when they were stolen, before it got stolen,” as soon as she said that, I felt my world shaking. There was no way someone got

“So whoever took it must have it,” there was no science needed to

I heard Maddox grunt in the background and argue with Colt before I realized he

ask her because

Just don’t worry about us,” she reassured, so I hung up and decided to call Helel and maybe get him along. He had been wandering around helping people

I called Gwen to ask

she stays at the mansion most of the J time, I thought maybe I

was already in the car by now, but hearing her pant like that

could hear some noises in the background, and right off

each other,” I heard Gwen trying to break them apart.

should hurry up. If any one of them transitions—,” I shook my head in disapproval of that thought. Helel

to be Maddox’s voice. At this point,

the inside like a bullet being fired and

before she turned around to place her hands on Helel’s

all fighting like animals all the time,” I shouted and was able to

middle of f*uc*king finding Beatrice’s pendant, and this is what I am dragged back to,” as I raised my voice even louder and let them know they were hindering my process of work. They all lowered their

the one who starts it all

gone, there was no use

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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