Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 508

Chapter 498 I Broke His Heart

“I f*uc*king hate you,” I was crying hysterically, grasping the grass and closing my eyes. “How dare you play with my heart?” I screamed to the point that I heard someone calling for me.

“Beatrice!” It was Akin.

“Get the f*uc*k away from me,” I yelled.

“But why? What happened?” He tried to get closer, but I showed him my palm and ordered him to back away.

I turned around to glare at him for asking me that question and acting like he had no idea what had just happened.

“Beatrice! What is going on? Did I do something wrong?” He asked with his eyes wandering over my tear-stained cheeks.

“I saw you with her,” I muttered, clenching my fists.

“What? What are you talking about?” he played innocent once again.

The more he acted clueless and innocent, the angrier I became. He had the nerve to stand in front of me and act like he could fool me.

Reign and Colt ran out of the mansion after us to see what was happening. “I saw you f*uc*k her on that kitchen’s counter,” I blurted out in front of the others.

of the mansion

is going on here?” he yelled in exhaustion. His expression changed

His voice smoothed, but it was time for Akin to give me an

would you accuse me of something so gross? I was in my room, waiting for

me lies and I’ll believe you?” I hissed, shocked that he thought

I’m not lying,” Akin insisted on t*ouching me, but I kept slapping his hand

we go inside and talk?” Reign whispered, turning to the side and revealing Shiloh

occupied by cursing at Akin mentally that I didn’t see

wanted,” I pointed my f*inger at her, shocking

front of her to kind of cover her from our eyes. I kept staring at the red rose in

don’t know? Were you sleeping cluelessly when she sneaked out of the guesthouse to enter the mansion and sleep

again struck with silence. Helel was steadily rocking Evelyn in his arms. I just couldn’t understand why they were all staring

happen?” Jay spoke again, looking very determined to solve this case. Akin tried to come closer and hug me so that he could calm me down, but I slapped his chest and pushed him away,

now,” I answered after getting rid of Akins’ stares. Jay turned around to look

stated in a loud tone, as if to prove her innocence. I shook my head, dismissing his lies. I saw them with my own f*uc*king

her, even after how she cheated on you?” I screamed, getting irritated at their audacity to

his time,” Akin finally raised his voice, probably after feeling all the heat from the quizzical eyes

were not. I went there and couldn’t find you,” I was

as if

trying his best to come closer to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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