Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 509

Chapter 499 Am I Really Pregnant?

“I am so sorry, Akin!” I whispered, afraid of walking up to him. I have pushed him away so many times that I feared he would do the same now. Why would he want someone like me to come closer to him?

I didn’t even let him speak but how would have I known? My nightmare or whatever it was seemed so real to me. “Akin—,” I uttered and without questioning me, he rushed closer and pulled me tightly into his arms. I felt my whole world crumbling and coming together again as he tightened his arms around my body.

“I am so—,” as I tried apologizing again, he silenced me.

“Stop! Don’t apologize. I am sorry for not noticing sooner that you were having troubles,” he once again took the blame even to the public humiliation I caused him by yelling and shouting at him in front of everyone. “Come. Let’s get inside first. It is getting colder out here,” Akin murmured while keeping me close. He walked me upstairs and I had my face hiding in his chest the entire time. I felt so guilty of my outburst.

Once we were in the room, he settled me in the bed and pulled a blanket over me.

“You should sleep now. I will stay awake to make sure you are fine, okay?” his voice was low and the way he was hiding his eyes from me, I could feel the tension in his body language. No way he was not thinking too much about it.

He was clearly upset but kept his emotions masked up so that he doesn’t hurt me.

l*ips when he tried getting up. I held his hand and pulled him back but the way he looked

don’t have to say anything,” he uttered

want to be with you. It was just the fear of losing you that made me act up and unable to differentiate

lost you. I don’t ever want to lose you,” I began to cry, surprising him. I don’t know what I have been doing lately that was so wrong that he seemed

shook his head to be certain he was hearing

about it and wondering, what are we waiting for now?” as I asked him that, he finally turned to me and looked


We should be planning and just getting ready—,”

hope you are not under any pressure,” he seemed so genuinely happy but confused at the same time.

so why did I make

used this opportunity to say as much as I could. “Please let’s get married. I don’t want anyone to steal you from me,”

got in the bed and hugged me, “I am so happy to hear that. We will get started on preparing for

it in a month. We will

my action and acted like nothing happened made

of our marriage right away. More

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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