Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Watchman No. 13

In the room, after a short scream, Mary and the other two trembled even more. They looked at Gerald with eyes full of fear.

This was murder!

Mary and the other two saw it happen with their own eyes.

In their eyes, Gerald was completely different from the one they knew.

As far as they knew, Gerald was a weak man. He was submissive to them and did not

even dare to speak loudly.

Even though Gerald became rich later on, he would at most be a bit tougher in front of


However, at that moment, Gerald was decisive, and his eyes were cold. After killing

someone, he was extremely calm. Obviously, this was not the first time he had done

such a thing.

Thinking of the past, the three could not help but tremble. They were worried that

Gerald would stab them with the knife the next moment.

Obviously, they were thinking too much. Gerald was not interested. He just looked at

Red Rose.

Red Rose said with amazement in her beautiful eyes, “Tsk, you deserve to be the former Watchman No. 0. Even though I saw you fight once three years ago, I think you are

amazing while fighting.”

In the battle three years ago, Night Watch lost three of the top ten Watchmen. One died

on the spot, and two disappeared!

Red Rose was also one of the participants in that battle. At that time, Blood Lotus

almost went out in full force. Even so, she only made Gerald and Watchman No. 2


Gerald smiled and looked at Red Rose. He said, “Go. Watchmen are coming.”

Red Rose pursed her lips and looked at Irene and the others. She asked, “What about your ex-wife and the others? I promise that they will call the police as soon as they go


business,” Gerald said

said, “I will continue to trick Franklin out. If there is any news, I

around and twisted her body, leaving a moving

the other

more than 20 minutes

let out a breath and sat down in front of the table. He

two trembling people. He did not

holding two knives in his hands, and there was a hint of

on his face.

saw that Gerald

slowly calmed

teeth and

turned his head and looked

the handling of Irene and the other two. Gerald left all things to Watchmen who would

think of a way to stabilize the emotions of the three and to


save us,

said calmly, “You can say so. Shelton once saved me. I don’t like owing people favors.

in Irene’s arms, and Vivian’s hair was a little messy. Beside her, Mary

that everything that happened today was caused by

Mary did not dare to speak ill of Gerald like before. The scene of Gerald killing someone just now was

questions, such as who Gerald was, why

was a bit messy, and she did

to them at all. He just

what he

leave?” After a while, Vivian asked


was always

calmly and did not look

returned his life did he completely draw


minutes earlier than he expected. Then, a group of

the head was a middle-aged man in a suit. When he walked into the room and saw the

Gerald looked at him.

smiled and walked to Gerald. He hugged

also laughed and

captain, named Dennis Graham. He was Watchman No.

let go of Gerald and frowned. “These three are your ex-wife, ex-mother-in-law,

bitterly. “It seems that

about you now. They said that the mother and the

and capable Gerald is? He is the most awesome person in

help but roll his eyes. Dennis was a good

“I’ll leave the aftermath

Gerald spoke, he threw the two knives to Dennis and said, “Take these two knives back. I’ll use them when I

the knives, then nodded, and said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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