Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Silly, I Am With Him

In a room in the country mansion, Irene and the other two women were huddled together. Their hair was disheveled, and their faces were full of horror!

Squeak, squeak.

In front of them, there was a birdcage on the ground. A bird of unknown species was in

the cage. It had broken wings and was squeaking. But at this time, the squeaks sounded

a bit creepy.

Next to the birdcage, a middle-aged man wearing a coat was holding a long saber that

was more than 4 feet. It was pointing at the ground and glinting.

“Nameless!” Birdman grinned and said, “Do you know the story behind this saber’s


He looked at the three women in front of him!

Irene and the other two would never be able to get over what happened today. Every

time this man smiled, it horrified them.

They were shrouded in fear the entire time. They felt that this psycho would kill them at

any time.

“You are not answering?” Birdman smiled and said, “Then let me tell you. It is because

the owner of this saber rarely used it. When he used it, it was always to kill very, very powerful people. This saber does not kill nameless people, hence the name.”

As he spoke, he slowly raised the tip of the saber until it was pointing to Mary’s neck.

Mary was terrified. She couldn’t help but scream, “Don’t kill me! Don’t! We really have nothing to do with Gerald. We tried to sell the saber only because we wanted money.

Trust me!”

“Heh,” Birdman sneered. Then, he said with a smile, “Don’t worry. I won’t kill you. Didn’t you keep saying on the way here that you hate Gerald? When he finds us, I will kill him for you. How do you like that?”

The three women dared not to speak. They just clung to the corner, trembling. And

Irene’s face was covered with tears.

Since she divorced Gerald, she had been down on luck.

When she was with Gerald, she wasn’t rich, but she had everything she needed. She made about 3,200 dollars a month, which was a pretty satisfying number in Los Angeles.

But after the divorce, bad things kept happening to her!

loser, suddenly became a rich man. And the

now, her life was in

all, these two women are quite beautiful. After I take care of Gerald, I will send you to Sin

contracted slightly. He looked



figure flew in from the outside. The door was



landed on the ground was the plump woman at the door.

ground and spat blood.


other two could not help but

He narrowed his eyes and looked around the

and the other two. Then it fell on Birdman and


You’re actually given 3 days. But you find us shortly after we arrived in Sacramento.” Birdman stood up, sheathed his long saber, and then lifted the birdcage off the

touched his nose, looked at Birdman

do you

three women felt

tears flowed down. And despite the fact that she had mistreated

at them before he looked back at

clapped his hands and said, “As expected of

you never wondered why I, who only rank nineteenth on the killer list,

touched his nose and said, “Not

feet moved, and he rushed up to Birdman

would not be lenient with people from

expression changed. He suddenly stomped


at him. Birdman failed to dodge. He was thrown into a pillar next to him, then he bounced off and

So fast!

from the ground. He said with a

leader didn’t dare to show himself. You’re

the outside, “Red Rose! It’s time

the same time,


Click, clack…

figure appeared at the door. She

beautiful face.

against the wall.

you look so

“Why are

to leave.” Red Rose covered her mouth

changed slightly. He looked at

used to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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