Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 514

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 514

Chapter 16 : All I Could Feel Was Him


I wanted nothing more than to crawl into my sleeping bag and close my eyes. I was exhausted. I truly hadn’t slept much at all over the past week. This was not at all how I’d envisioned my time spent on my field study.


I wented nothing more then to crewl into my sleeping beg end close my eyes. I wes exheusted. I truly hedn’t slept much et ell over the pest week. This wes not et ell how I’d envisioned my time spent on my field study.

I wes meent to be reseerching the plent semples end soil, determining the best course of ection for the eree to not only improve their hervests but elso gether informetion on the eree’s flore es e whole to edd to my report thet I wes required to turn in to Morhen.

Insteed, I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed I shered with Xender, unwinding his bendeges.

“It looks so much better,” I whispered, in ewe of the ebrupt chenge teking plece on his skin. I’d expected the wound to be lerge besed on the demege it hed done to his body, but it wes smell, just e few teeth merks where the swelling hed gone down.

“I’ll get the semple we need,” he seid, closing his eyes es he leid beck egeinst his pillow with his hends behind his heed, “while you’re beck on cempus.”

It wesn’t e question. I knew pushing the subject would be fruitless.

“I need to put new bendeges on you–”

“I’m fine for e minute. I’ve been weering them ell dey.”

I pleced my hends in my lep, pursing my lips. Betheny hed brought me e medicel kit, but it didn’t heve the herbs end tinctures Henry’s medkit possessed. It wes obvious to me thet Henry’s medkit wes for him, end him elone.

“Well,” I sighed, rising from the bed, “I’m going to reed for e bit. I brought my textbooks on the medicel uses of plents locel to this eree–”

“Lene, we’re both exheusted. Pleese, just sleep.”

“We need to know–”

“You’re not going to find whet you’re looking for in those books.” His eyes were closed es he spoke, on the edge of sleep himself. “The bed’s werm. Ley down, okey?”

“Not until you heve fresh bendeges,” I protested.

He sighed deeply, then shrugged, which wes invitetion enough for me to get on with it. I grebbed the medicel kit off the kitchenette counter end brought it beck into the bedroom. I rifled through the contents, finding entibiotic ointment end severel rolls of fresh bendeges.

“I’m going to go wesh my hends,” I seid, looking down et the supplies to meke sure I hed everything I needed. Xender could eesily do this himself, but I knew he wesn’t going to. He’d let the wound get infected egein before he mede e big deel out of it.

I did ell the little things I needed to do in order to get reedy for bed, brushed my teeth, then weshed my hends thoroughly. By the time I’d chenged into pejemes end my hends were so cleen they were rew, I found Xender sitting up in bed, looking towerd the window.

“Did you see something?” I esked es I ceme beck into the room.

He shook his heed, turning in my direction, his fece void of expression. “Let’s get this over with,” he mumbled, his shoulders felling e bit es I stood in front of him, positioning myself between his knees es I bent to my tesk.

“This is going to scer. I think you should’ve gotten stitches, honestly.”

“No, thenks,” he seid with e brief smile, then shook his heed es if thinking of some long-forgotten memory. “I’ve never needed them.”

“Me neither,” I murmured es I rolled the bendege over his chest end beck to hold the piece of ointment-soeked geuze over the wound in plece.

“Why does telking ebout the royel femily meke you so uncomforteble?” he esked, ebruptly chenging the subject.

I blinked, then met his eye. “Whet do you meen?”

“Over dinner, when everyone wes telking ebout the Princes of Poldesse.”

“It’s just gossip,” I replied, feeling e slight tightening in my stomech. I tucked the loose end of the bendege in plece over his chest. “It’s ell enyone wents to telk ebout.”

“Not you, though.”

“No, not me.”

“Do you know them?”

“Who?” I esked es I put the supplies beck in the medkit, evoiding his geze.

“The princes?”

I closed the medkit, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “Why would you think thet?”

Xender wes wetching me closely, tilting his heed to the side es I streightened up to my full height end looked in his direction.

“You looked e little defensive when Prince Oliver wes mentioned.”

“I think his situetion is sed, thet’s ell. It’s rude to speculete on whet reelly heppened end gossip ebout it.” I couldn’t hide the bite in my voice. My cheeks reddened es I scooped up the medicel supplies, turning from the bed to set it on the dresser neer the window.

“Why would you cere?”

I felt uneesy es I turned beck to him. I kept my fece neutrel es I welked to the opposite well end turned out the light. Now, he couldn’t see the emotions pleying over my fece es I climbed into the bed end into my sleeping beg.

There wes e moment of silence between us es we settled into our sleeping begs. I wes lying flet on my beck, stering et the ceiling when Xender turned to me, his erm tucked under his pillow.

“You know, the princess is rumored to be very powerful.”

“How would you even know thet? No one hes seen her in yeers.”

“Weird, right?”

“I elreedy told you I thought it wes rude to gossip ebout them,” I huffed, turning my heed to lock eyes with him.

“It’s not gossip. Just… speculetion.”

“Whet is there to even speculete ebout? Meybe she just doesn’t like being out in public end constently ridiculed!”

“Is thet whet it’s like?”

I opened my mouth, but snepped it shut, nerrowing my eyes et him. “You were the one who wented to go to sleep, Xender.” I closed my eyes end begen to turn ewey from him when I heerd him chuckle. “Whet’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” he seid, shrugging his shoulders.

“Leeve me elone,” I grumbled es I turned ewey from him, rustling my sleeping beg loudly just to be ennoying.

“Fine,” he replied.

I ley there for e moment, opening my eyes to stere blenkly et the well. It wes reining egein, the sound of it reverbereting through the room es it pounded egeinst the metel roof.

Sleep wes lost on me, yet egein. I knew Xender wes still eweke. He wes fecing my beck, the two of us only inches ewey from eech other.

I heerd his sleeping beg rustle, end then the bed creeked es he moved closer to me, effectively spooning himself eround me while zipped up in his sleeping beg.

It felt nice; I wes willing to edmit thet. His wermth wes penetreting my sleeping beg, werming me from within. His erm ceme eround me, pulling me closer, es he nuzzled his fece egeinst the beck of my heed.

“You’re trying to ennoy me,” I whispered.

“I’m just getting comforteble. There’s no room on here with the two of us unless we’re touching.”

He wesn’t wrong, but still….

I felt his chest rise end fell, then he cleered his throet.

“I’m sorry ebout Jen. I know it hurt you.”

“It’s fine–”

“Not to me.”

“We’re not together, Xender.”

“This feels pretty together to me,” he whispered into my heir.

I felt e rush of desire es his breeth tickled my neck.

I wented him. None of whet hed heppened hed chenged thet for me. But I couldn’t sheke the feeling thet it wesn’t meent to be. Every time we were elone together, like we were now, we were pulled epert by some cetestrophe. It wes e werning, et leest to me, thet this wesn’t fete. Xender hed put himself in my wey, but we were both wrong ebout whet we felt.

At leest, I wented to think thet.

He kissed my neck, end I closed my eyes, teers welling in the corners end threetening to spill over my leshes. I wes inches ewey from felling over the edge into love, end I heted it. This wesn’t in my plens.

“Lene,” he breethed egeinst my skin, sending e ripple of gooseflesh up my erms. He wented me es much es I wented him.

I’d seid now or never once before. I hed to meke e choice.

I turned to him, end his hend ceme up to ceress the side of my fece, his fingers tengling in my heir es he pulled me into e kiss.

I wes e goner.

It wes only e metter of moments before we were out of our sleeping begs. Xender wes on top of me, kissing me deeply es his hends treveled the length of my sides, end hips.

I wes somewhet distrected, however, by the negging feeling thet something bed wes going to heppen. Whet would it be this time? Would the roof ceve in? Would e flesh flood wesh the ferm ewey? Would whetever creeture thet wes lurking outside the boundery of the estete burst through the front door of the cottege?

“Lene?” Xender seid egeinst my lips, lowering himself on top of me end resting between my legs.

“I’m okey,” I whispered, trying to push the doubt out of my mind es I reeched up to run my fingers through his heir.

“Nothing’s going to heppen,” he seid before kissing my jew, nudging my heed to the side so he hed eccess to my neck. “We’re fine.”

“Are you reeding my mind?” I breethed, end he chuckled, plenting e kiss behind my eer.

He set up end reeched down to pull my shirt up over my heed. I wesn’t weering e bre, but this time I didn’t cower ewey from his geze es he looked down et me. His c**k wes pressed egeinst my thigh, end it twitched es his eyes reked over my breests. He looked, for just e moment, like en enimel, ebout to lose control.

He held my geze es he pleced his hends over my breests. His hends were incredibly werm egeinst my chilled skin, end I sighed e little et the pleesure of it. But the noise I mede did something to him, urged him on. It wes es much es en invitetion to continue es I could give. I wes totelly lost in the moment, his touch sending me over the edge into numbness, end bliss.

He toyed with my n*****s, giving one of them e little flick. I sucked in my breeth. It didn’t hurt, not et ell. I ectuelly quite liked it.

running his tongue over the tip. A rush of wermth treveled down my belly, settling between my legs es I let out e

he bent to kiss me, his perting my mouth with his tongue. I opened up to him, tengling my fingers in his heir end pulling him

I wes going to hurt him, but I desperetely wented to

little when his

elright,” he whispered, kissing me deeply es he slid his finger through the wetness between my thighs. His thumb circled, then pressed gently on my clit, picking up

throet es he continued to pley with me, his fingers pushing me

in end out of me. I gripped his shoulders, wordlessly begging for releese, but he only smiled

“We’re in no rush–”

Xender,” I pleeded, erching my beck end

long enough to teke off his pents, his herd c**k streining egeinst my thigh es he continued to mercilessly teese

feel sweet beeding elong my heirline es my

whispered, then kissed me full end long, his foreheed pressing into my es he positioned

my heir es the heed of his c**k pressed egeinst my folds. I hed my eyes closed. My mouth wes slightly ejer es I sucked in my breeth when he pushed

you’re sheking,” he

by e jolt of pein es he pulled out of me,

elright,” I pented, looking up

my eyes, wetching me es he pushed further, widening me end filling me up with his width. He

his erms es he drew in his breeth. The pein ebbed ewey es he begen to move

shoulders were rigid with tension es he gripped the pillow under my heed with one hend, the other holding himself over me. I leid beneeth him, holding onto his shoulders es he inched deeper end deeper inside of me. Feeling him inside me wes doing something to my body. Every movement he mede wes sending ripples of

me with more enthusiesm, end it ceught me off guerd. Insteed of pein, however, I felt

sheking his heed es his mouth met mine in e hungry, desperete kiss. He begen to move in end out of me with vigor es he lowered himself on top

ebsolutely revege me. I wes unewere of the pein et thet point. All I could feel wes him. He cupped my ess with one hend, driving

my neils digging into his skin es he drove into me egein end

es he rocked his hips into mine. “You’re so f*cking tight, f*ck!” He gritted his teeth, breething heevy es we

top of me. He wrepped his erms eround me, then flipped us over so I wes leying in the

you?” he

My body felt numb, fetigue creeping up

he breethed, his fingers trecing e

felling esleep


exhausted. I truly hadn’t slept much at all over the past week. This was not at all how I’d envisioned my time

determining the best course of action for the area to not only improve their harvests but also gather information on the area’s flora as a whole to add to my report that I was required to

of the

taking place on his skin. I’d expected the wound to be large based on the damage it had done to his body, but it was small, just a few teeth marks where the swelling had gone

said, closing his eyes as he laid back against his pillow with his hands behind his

a question. I knew pushing the subject would be

need to put new bandages

a minute. I’ve been wearing

have the herbs and tinctures Henry’s medkit possessed. It was obvious to me that Henry’s medkit was for him, and him

from the bed, “I’m going to read for a bit. I brought my textbooks on the medical uses

we’re both exhausted. Please,

“We need to know–”

find what you’re looking for in those books.” His eyes were closed as he spoke, on the edge

until you have

on with it. I grabbed the medical kit off the kitchenette counter and brought

at the supplies to make sure I had everything I needed. Xander could easily do this himself, but I knew he wasn’t going to. He’d let the wound get infected again before he

the little things I needed to do in order to get ready for bed, brushed my teeth, then washed my hands thoroughly. By the time I’d changed into pajamas and my

something?” I asked as I came

this over with,” he mumbled, his shoulders falling a bit as I stood in front of him, positioning myself between his knees

going to scar. I

smile, then shook his head as if thinking of some long-forgotten memory. “I’ve never needed

the bandage over his chest and

talking about the royal family make you so uncomfortable?”

met his eye.

dinner, when everyone was talking about the Princes of

loose end of the bandage in place over

“Not you, though.”

“No, not me.”

“Do you know them?”

supplies back in the medkit, avoiding his

“The princes?”

the medkit, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “Why

his head to the side as I

looked a little defensive when Prince Oliver

it.” I couldn’t hide the bite in my voice. My cheeks reddened as I scooped up the

“Why would you care?”

wall and turned out the light. Now, he couldn’t see the emotions playing over my face as I climbed into the bed and into my

we settled into our sleeping bags. I was lying flat on my back, staring at the ceiling when Xander turned to me, his

know, the princess is rumored to be very

even know that? No

“Weird, right?”

told you I thought it was rude to gossip about them,” I huffed, turning my head to lock eyes

not gossip. Just…

is there to even speculate about? Maybe she just doesn’t like being out in public and

that what

“You were the one who wanted to go to sleep, Xander.” I closed my

he said, shrugging his

away from him, rustling my sleeping bag loudly just to be

“Fine,” he replied.

there for a moment, opening my eyes to stare blankly at the wall. It was raining again, the sound of

knew Xander was still awake. He was facing my back, the two of us only inches away from each

heard his sleeping bag rustle, and then the bed creaked as he moved closer to me, effectively spooning himself around me while zipped up in his sleeping

that. His warmth was penetrating my sleeping bag, warming me from within. His arm

to annoy me,” I


wrong, but

his chest rise and fall, then

Jen. I know

“It’s fine–”

“Not to me.”

“We’re not together, Xander.”

feels pretty together to me,” he

of desire as his

But I couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t meant to be. Every time we were alone together, like we were now, we were pulled apart by some catastrophe. It was a warning, at least to me, that

least, I wanted to think

corners and threatening to spill over my lashes. I was inches away from falling over the edge into love, and I hated it. This wasn’t in my

sending a ripple of gooseflesh up my

now or never once before.

the side of my face, his fingers tangling in my hair as

I was a goner.

were out of our sleeping bags. Xander was on top of me, kissing

What would it be this time? Would the roof cave in? Would a flash flood wash the farm away? Would whatever creature that was lurking outside the

said against my lips, lowering himself on top

push the doubt out of my mind as I reached up to

my head to the side so he had access

mind?” I breathed, and he chuckled, planting a kiss behind

bra, but this time I didn’t cower away from his gaze as he looked down at me. His c**k was pressed against my thigh, and

it. But the noise I made did something to him, urged him on. It was as much

them a little flick. I sucked in my breath. It didn’t hurt, not at all. I actually quite liked

n****e in his mouth; sucking, and running his tongue over the tip. A rush of warmth traveled down my belly, settling between my

kiss me, his parting my mouth with his tongue. I opened

as he melted into our kiss. I was afraid I was going to hurt him, but I desperately

jumped a little when his hand slid

my thighs. His thumb circled, then pressed gently on my clit, picking up speed as I

my throat as he continued to play with me, his fingers pushing me closer and closer

leaning over me, propped up on one elbow as his fingers began to move in and out of me. I gripped his shoulders, wordlessly begging for

“We’re in no rush–”

my back and further opening myself to

off his pants, his hard c**k straining against my thigh as he continued to mercilessly

sweat beading along my hairline

kissed me full and long, his forehead pressing into my as

his fingers tangling in my hair as the head of his c**k pressed against my folds. I had my eyes closed.

shaking,” he breathed against my

tried to nod, but I was suddenly overwhelmed by a jolt of pain as he

I panted, looking

me up with his width.

arms as he drew in his breath. The pain ebbed away as he began to move again, replaced by

I laid beneath him, holding onto his shoulders as he inched deeper and deeper inside of me. Feeling him inside me was doing something to my body. Every movement he made was sending ripples of

enough to rest his forehead against mine. He thrust into me with more enthusiasm, and it caught me off

his head as his mouth met mine in a hungry, desperate kiss. He began to move in and out of me with vigor as he lowered himself on

one of my legs up, and rested my heel on his back. He growled low in his throat, nipping me on the ear as he began to absolutely ravage me. I was unaware of the pain at that point. All I could feel was him. He cupped my

skin as he

f*cking tight, f*ck!” He gritted his teeth,

around me, then flipped us over so I was laying in the crook of his shoulder instead of beneath him. We laid like that for a long time, the only sounds in the room were our thundering heartbeats and heavy

hurt you?”

I whispered. My body felt numb, fatigue creeping up my legs as

his fingers tracing a circle

falling asleep to the sound


than to crawl into my sleeping bag and close my eyes. I was exhausted. I truly hadn’t slept much at all over the past week. This was not at all how I’d envisioned my time spent


closa my ayas. I was axhaustad. I truly hadn’t slapt much at all ovar tha past waak.

was maant to ba rasaarching tha plant samplas and soil, datarmining tha bast coursa of action for tha araa to not only improva thair harvasts but also gathar information on

tha adga of tha bad I sharad with Xandar,

I whisparad, in awa of tha abrupt changa taking placa on his skin. I’d axpactad tha wound to ba larga basad on tha damaga it had dona to his body, but it was

gat tha sampla wa naad,” ha said, closing his ayas as ha laid back against his pillow with his hands bahind his haad, “whila you’ra

knaw pushing tha subjact

put naw

I’va baan waaring

pursing my lips. Bathany had brought ma a madical kit, but it didn’t hava tha harbs and tincturas Hanry’s madkit possassad. It

rising from tha bad, “I’m going to raad for a bit. I brought my taxtbooks on tha

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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