Chapter 621




I swung wildly into the dark, my clenched fist meeting with the side of someone’s jaw. My knuckles cracked against bone, my skin splitting with the impact. I roared with fury, fear, and pain.

I couldn’t see anything. Why couldn’t I see anything? Someone was holding me down, voices erupting nearby, all around.

“Sedate him–”

“Stick him with that needle, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do!”

Adrian’s voice rang through my ears, and I gasped, bucking against whoever or whatever was holding me down.

“I can’t see,” I rasped, whipping my head from side to side, “Adrian!”

“I’m here, Alpha.” I felt Adrian’s grip on my forearm and momentarily relaxed before reality rushed back to me, taking my breath away.

I thrashed against what felt like several people holding me down, the voices surrounding me now shouting in desperation to be heard.

“Xander, listen to me–”

“Where is Lena? Where–where am I?” I cut Adrian off, unable to hide the panic in my voice.

I felt a gentle touch against my cheek, someone with soft, feminine hands. For a moment I thought it was Lena, my heart skipping a beat and then breaking as someone else’s scent hit me.

“Take a breath,” Rosalie whispered, and I did, my body surrendering to her words while my mind fought against them. She reached to the back of my head and fumbled in my hair for a moment, then I felt fabric slide loose and graze my cheekbones as light flooded my eyelids.

I blinked frantically to adjust to the bright light overhead, some kind of lamp shining directly in my face.

My eyes began to adjust to the light as several shadowed figures hovered over me, their faces blurred and distorted.

“Are you going to freak out if we let you go?” Rosalie asked lightly, her voice warm and motherly as she gently tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear.

I shook my head, or attempted to, the act sending a ripple of searing pain down my spine. I felt everyone holding me down ease up on their grip, and I shot straight upward in a seated position, screaming in agony.

“Damnit–his sutures!”

“Xander, lay back down!”

“Xander, listen to me–”

black spots. I fell back again, panting as heat coursed over my skin. I felt everything–every scratch,

Realm–” I

was a sleepy child, her touch

“You’re in Breles, Xander.”

voice, muffled and wet like he was speaking with a mouth full of water. I blinked into the light, my vision clearing enough to catch a glimpse of him standing behind several

My ears began to ring violently, and I couldn’t hear his reply, but based on the look in his eyes, I was sure that I’d split my knuckles open on

he was nudged hard in the ribs by none other than his mother, who was hovering

above me, the sky fading into dawn. I was

with a man dressed in a white coat soiled with blood. His eyes were narrowed on me, but not in a menacing way. He was

when I looked down at my body. I gasped, then panicked, and hands came flying to hold me down again

bandages. I didn’t know what my face looked like, and maybe it was a good thing, because when

I’d been flayed

said, giving me a weak smile. “It…

f**k happened? How

a long story,” Oliver

him a careful look, and Oliver’s eyes


male voice from just outside the

low tones as she retreated out of sight. Through the ringing in my ears, I could hear

Oliver said flatly, his voice void


on mine. He straightened up, something flashing in his eyes that I didn’t recognize as he held my gaze for a moment longer, then he

continue patching him up,” he said, every word laced with annoyance. I hadn’t registered the Egoren warriors standing in the group until Adrian tilted his head toward the tent flap, and six men walked outside–guards.

vampires are

a cart of supplies. “It’s nearly

the healer, who I hadn’t seen step toward me again, retreated a few

f*****g told you–” Adrian growled,

for this,” the healer

the panic rising in my throat as I painfully

“For what? What–”

to take me under. I fought against the darkness creeping into my mind, the numbness

maybe habit, but before I succumbed to sedation, I reached up to

flowed beneath my gentle touch. I met nothing but open flesh, and oozing


Rosalie said, her voice trembling

whisper. Through the numbness taking over my body, I could feel the anger roiling. Her mark, her mark that had cemented us as mates–it was f*****g gone, cut out of me,

I might have screamed. I might have roared


he returning to the camp?” I asked the healer, a different one from the man who’d done his best to sew the

my inquiry. “This is war. There is no schedule,” she replied tersely, motioning for me to relax so she could redress the bandages covering


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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