Chapter 637

Chapter 137 : The Silver Eyed Wolf


Elaine took a few steps forward, her jaw flexing as she swallowed.

“Lena, you and I need to talk–”

“Obviously!” I nearly shouted, rounding the table.

I passed Alma, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen with two plates of chocolate cake, looking more annoyed than confused.

Gideon rose to his feet, glancing at Xander before he motioned for Alma to retreat into the kitchen.

Ianthe gave me a tight-lipped smile as she sidestepped around me and left the room, leaving Elaine and me alone.

Except for Xander, of course, who was standing on the other side of the dining room table looking just as shocked as I was.

“Elaine,” I breathed, my initial shock ebbing away into outright confusion. “What happened?”

Elaine sighed deeply, running her fingers along the top of the couch as she walked toward us. I noticed the faded bruising along her jaw, and the scar along the bridge of her nose as she came into the light of the chandelier above her head.

“I don’t know how to explain what happened to me,” she said, glancing from me to Xander.

“You need to try,” Xander said flatly, righting the chair he’d knocked over in his haste to stand up.

I sat in one of the armchairs, keeping my eyes focused on Elaine, unblinking.

“I heard the two of you met Andromeda,” she said in a whisper, her eyes sparkling with understanding. “I just missed you there. I’d just left–”

“Elaine,” Xander exhaled, tapping his fingers on the dining room table. “What happened? We need to know everything, from the beginning.

“You’re my friend’s twin–”

“I didn’t know about my sister until the war,” she breathed with a pained expression as she sat on the couch, running her hands over her jeans. “I didn’t know. I thought…. It sounds crazy, but I can’t remember a time I wasn’t in Crimson Creek. I was just here one day, and all of these memories I thought I had… of a family, of parents–” She tapered off, shaking her head.

the night Xander and I went out into the hills when he wanted to collect a sample of the blood root. I thought…

sudden realization creeping over his face.

was wrong. Ben wouldn’t have… he was looking right at me, I thought. He was walking toward us. I knew it wasn’t him when I saw his face clearly.

I asked, my

as if sheltering her, protecting her from whatever

reading tea leaves and palms because that’s what I remembered being able to do, for

“Elaine,” Xander said sharply.

I felt that pull again. So, I went back out in the hills. I went to the same place I’d taken Xander and I just…. A woman appeared out of nowhere, begging me to come

ran down the length of my spine as Elaine folded her hands between her thighs, rocking her

in this realm

“Then what happened?”

during the night. During the day we traveled far, across the realm, I am sure.

“You went to Andromeda–”

what it is, you know. It’s still there. That’s where I’ve been, all this time. That’s where I was taken when I was a child.” She rolled up her sleeve, her pale skin glistening in the amber light of the chandelier. She revealed a pale pink mark in the crook of her elbow, something that looked like a half moon scar. “I was born with it. It’s a witch’s mark. I am a shifter by blood, but somewhere in my family’s line is a witch who passed her powers down, but not everyone has it. Abigail,” she said, tears in her eyes, “she didn’t have it. No one in my family knew what it was, or what it meant. I was taken from my home as a child and taken to Winter Forest, through the portal in the temple to the realm of the

“You were raised there–”

out, back to this realm, to spy. That was my purpose. I was sent out to guard over you, Lena. I went to Morhan looking for you. But then I was… I still don’t remember how I ended up in

Xander interrupted. “Just

wind of what was

my throat tightening around a sob. She didn’t know, did she? She didn’t know about


Xander asked, eyeing me before

rippled through our bond and I understood him completely. Announcing that we

and to go home. But I didn’t know where home was. So, I came back here. I got here a few days ago.” She looked meditative for a moment, her eye’s glistening with some recent memory. “I thought I

find Alma?”

lower lip as I rose, giving Elaine a weak smile. She looked somewhat fearful of being left alone with

“I’ll be back–”

the down hair on my

kitchen and closing the door behind me. I let out the breath I’d been holding and

of you have any idea where Oliver

a dish back in the sink, her face falling at

Dianny; that’s all we



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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