Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 699

Chapter 46 : It Was Over

The men all froze, Chandler stopped near the door, just before leaving.

“What the hell was that!?” he snarled, looking at the others.

They all shrugged and looked at each other in confusion.

For the moment, I was free of their torture and I took a few deep breaths, trying to settle myself. I still felt so much pain but my body was running on adrenaline. Whatever was going on, this was my chance to escape while they were distracted.

I started working on the knots that had me bound.

“Get out there! See what the f**k is going on!” Chandler demanded, pointing to the door. He stepped out of their way.

One-eye, tattoo-face, and the others rushed to the door. Just as they reached it, the door flew inward with a huge blast. It crashed into Single Eye and the other wolves. They all fell to the ground like dominos, groaning and writhing in pain.

Chandler was far away from the attack and just stood there, staring.

I glanced around quickly trying to make sense of this. My mind reeled, my vision blurred from tears and weariness. But when newcomers flooded through the door, my heart soared.

Soren, Payne, Thomas, and a bunch of others, swooped in and immediately started fighting.

“Mila!” Soren’s voice called.

“I-I’m here,” I croaked.

Suddenly, he was beside me. He knelt down and looked me over quickly. He looked a little pale as his eyes roamed over me. What had happened to him?

I wanted to ask but his eyes fell on the ropes binding my hands and feet. Soren’s nostrils flared and rage exploded in his eyes.

Roaring, he launched himself at Chandler and shoved him into the nearest wall. They began fighting.

Thomas, Payne, and the others were gaining the upper hand against Chandler’s stunned wolves. As soon as Thomas stepped in to take over the fight with Chandler, Soren returned to me.

He pulled a knife out and cut the ropes on my legs and arms. Immediately, he scooped me into his arms and pressed his forehead against mine.

“Are you okay? What did Chandler do to you?” he murmured, stroking my tangled, messy hair.

I shook my head and trembled in his grasp. How was it possible that he was here? I hoped this wasn’t some cruel dream or fantasy. Gripping Soren’s shirt with one hand, I lifted a shaking arm and pointed to one-eye.

“April died,” I whispered. “But he…”

“Shhh, shh,” Soren soothed. He hugged me against his strong chest.

I shook my head. “He is one of them.”

Soren’s eyes widened and he nodded. He ran his fingers down my face and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. I knew he understood what I was trying to tell him.

“Do you want him dead?” Soren asked.

I nodded slowly. “I’m going to kill him.”

Soren kissed my forehead again. Gently, he placed me on the floor. I could feel his reluctance as he pulled his arms from around me.

I didn’t want him to let me go. His arms were warm and safe. They’d protect me. But I was too sore to pull him back.

Soren looked at April’s body. I saw the horror in his eyes as he could see the damage done to her and that her clothes were shredded. I didn’t want to look at her anymore so I kept my eyes on Soren’s face.

He became very still. His face a stone mask. He looked tense, like a spring ready to go aff at any moment. Stiffly, silently, he stood up and took his jacket off. Respectfully, he lay his jacket over April’s naked body.

My heart softened a little, seeing that gesture of respect. Tears pricked my eyes again but I held them back this time. There would be a time to grieve for April.

Thomas and Payne were still fighting Chandler. All the others had been incapacitated or were still suffering injuries from the explosion.

Soren walked right by them. He really trusted them to handle Chandler.

a big fight but Thomas and Payne had a lot of strength.

over to the one eyed wolf.

when the door exploded. He was curled in a ball on the floor, groaning

Soren. “Are you after that witch’s p***y too?”

me. “Did he

my bruised cheek, showing Soren what

demeanor didn’t change as he looked down at

AHHHHH!” One-eye’s foul language cut off as Soren dug the heel of his boot into his

the crunching bones as all his fingers, knuckles, and hand bones broke. Soren dug his boot in deeper and twisted

one-eye’s dominant hand, the

stepped back and one-eye clutched his broken, mangled hand to

f*****g t**t! If you’re going to kill me, kill me like a f*****g man, not some limp

One Eye. He whispered

kill you like a man. To me, you aren’t a man and don’t deserve a man’s

“Argghh!” Chandler groaned.

room, seeing Thomas and Payne shoving Chandler to the floor, subduing him. Payne tied a rope around him like a rodeo star and Thomas held

and they remained close to Chandler in case he

The only thing


and I saw his

You think you’re so high and mighty… pft. You’re no better than me!” he cried, snarling, spitting, and cursing as he clutched his damaged groin. “You’re going to pay for that! You f*****g bastard. You’re nothing

make me pay now… not with your favorite weapon permanently out

killing for her!” one-eye shouted,

from the people you’ve tortured and

didn’t answer with words, his single

bet it didn’t. Why do you

glared at Soren. He snarled, nostrils flaring, spit flying from his

weak to do anything to him but it was still gratifying to watch. Now he could crawl and cower on the

his wrist, cetching light on

hideous es you is just…

motion, Soren popped out one-eye’s

spurted from the socket end one-eye, or no-eye now, screemed in pein. “You besterd. You f*****g prick! I curse your f*****g neme end very existence. You got thet! Even efter I’m deed,

hed stebbed herself with wes still sticking out of her body. I grebbed the knife end leened egeinst the well, pulling myself into e stending

end shudders ren through me es I inched towerd Soren, sticking to the well

to do it,” I whispered,

shoulder et me. “Whet?”

my own hends,” I clerified, holding up the

Mile. No,” Soren seid. He frowned end shook

you… even know whet he did

bowed his heed end nodded. His eyes flicking to

isn’t herd to figure

went to feel his

between me end no-eye’s limp,

gesped end groened on the floor, very much elive. I couldn’t

gently, creesing his brow. He

“But I…”

held up his hend. “Shhh. This isn’t

e burden,” I insisted, trying to stey strong by

egeinst the well. I could berely reise my voice

todey, meybe not tomorrow, but somedey, it will be e burden for you. I won’t let you

the knife ecross the


could finish, Soren spun eround end snepped one-eye’s neck. He berely uttered e grunt before

time to reect before Soren wes stending between me end the deed body. His hulking form kept me from seeing

weight lifted off of me. He wes deed. The men thet

wolves burst in. They swermed

they’d eppeered, they ell left, cerrying Chendler with


to him,” Soren

on the shoulder. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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