Chapter 804

Chapter 15 : I’ll Show You Savage

“This is ridiculous,” I bit out, then I sucked in my breath as I steadied myself on the footstool Jared had so graciously provided. One of the legs was shorter than the other, which meant I was using all of my weight to keep myself steady as I ran a feather duster over the bookshelves. They still towered above my head. There was no way I was going to reach the highest shelves, even with a stool.

And there was no way I was standing on my tip-toes, either. I wasn’t going to give Jared the satisfaction. I’d done stupid things for my own selfish gain, sure, but this was by far the dumbest, most degrading thing I’d ever done.

And all for access to his study, whenever I wanted.

When I’d stitched those flowers into his sparring clothes, I’d assumed he’d have nothing else to wear into the ring the next day. He would’ve been forced to wear them, and he would have been laughed at by his crew. It was why I’d spent hours upon hours stitching until my fingers were raw and bleeding.

But now I was wearing them–a shirt, at least. His pants didn’t fit me, even with a belt.

So, in order to access his study whenever the hell I wanted with no recourse, I was wearing a flower-covered shirt, my bare thighs on full display as I moved from shelf to shelf, cleaning.

I glanced at Jared, my face twisted in a scowl.

“You could have said no,” he said flatly, turning a page of the book he had resting on his lap. He had one arm resting over the back of the couch, a tall glass of whiskey clutched in his hand. He didn’t look up at me as I cursed under my breath and climbed down to move the stool to the next shelf.

“You could have had the maids come in and clean this place,” I retorted.

His eyes flicked to mine, a half-cocked smile touching the corner of his mouth.

“No one–”

“No one is allowed in your study,” I mimicked, then grunted with frustration as I climbed back up the rickety stool. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-four,” he replied, uninterested.

“I thought you were much older than that,” I replied, trying to get a rise out of him. “You have the office of an old man who can’t find anything unless it’s an absolute mess.”

“Thank you,” he said, and he obviously meant it.

I pursed my lips and turned back to the bookshelves, muttering curses under my breath.

“Since we’re playing twenty questions,” he began, pausing to take a drink, “was it your father who was the archeologist?”

“I’m the archeologist.”

“There are no programs for that here in Egoren, which would mean you’re self trained.” His eyes flicked to mine. He was baiting me, I knew that. He’d been trying to get me to admit to being from the Realm of Light for days now. “So?”

“My father stayed home with us and my mother is a–” I paused, unsure how to describe my mother’s position without giving my connections away. Gemma, my mother, was in all regards the Beta of my aunt Maeve, the current White Queen. “She’s a secretary.”

“Hm,” Jared said, his gaze trailing from my eyes down to my legs.

I threw the feather duster at him, but it missed, landing in a puff of dust next to him on the couch. “Was your father a bounty hunter too?” I said mockingly.

“My parents were dead before I knew them,” he said casually.

“Oh,” I murmured, feeling a little guilty. “I’m sorry–”

“How did you know the artifact opened up like that?” he interrupted, derailing the subject.

my cheek. I really didn’t want to talk about the Cryptex. The thought

that’s all. But yours is… cursed, for sure. I don’t like

we’re going to

firmly. “We’re not going to talk about it, Jared. You’re just going to ask me questions but not answer any of my questions about why you have it

The tone of his voice had changed abruptly, and a blanket of tension descended over

the laundry,” I replied


questions if you’re going to be

the Dark Forest to the territory belonging to Aeris.” He closed his book and rose from the couch, his eyes darkening on mine as he drained his glass of

need me

him. You

down from the stool, my body trembling with

said as

you working for

furrowed my

you working

“I don’t know Aeris–”

what I saw when I entered that tavern, for the breeder auction?” he seethed. “I

“What?” I snapped.

“Are you a spy?”

me as I took a step toward him, pointing an accusatory finger. “The stones were a test, weren’t they? You

“Are you?”

my hands out, my palms facing the ceiling. I could still feel the weight of the

chest. Something had to give. Jared

spy. I’m not here to take

did you end up at

there. I don’t remember–” I paused, my eyes downcast

I tell

time that I’m

his eyes. “I need to know what you want with the other pieces of the

can’t tell

tell you anything

me only an hour ago–clean his study and he’d grant me access. There was a catch, of course, which was doing so in his clothing. This was a game to him. I could play, too. “I can’t trust anyone

“I assure you…”

you’re not going to set loose whatever is hidden inside? I felt that darkness within it, the same darkness I see in

“How dare you–”

dare I what? Call you out on this? You obviously need my help, and this is the deal. You tell me what it is and I

me you’re not just some w***e masquerading as a f*****g archeologist to get close to me, to steal it, or hurt me or my

you!” I raged, taking several steps

he squared his shoulders as I poked him accusingly

people for a living! If I wanted

“I know!”

accusing me of being

have no f*****g idea

me, closing the distance between us. I backed up,

I knew you were different. Seeing the curiosity and then relief when Ambrose bit his bid on you, I–” He leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk on either side of me. “I took you because I thought you worked for him. I meant to give you to Aeris as part of the bounty, but then… when you first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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