Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 833

Chapter 44 : Carmen’s Offer

I had no desire to talk to Carmen, but it didn’t seem like I had much of a choice as I followed Brandt and Jared through the village.

“I thought she was supposed to be gone by now?” I asked, the words sharpened to an edge.

“She was refusing to leave until she talked to you first,” Jared replied.

I still didn’t understand his thought process when it came to Carmen. He was very nonchalant about it, especially since he had his suspicions about Carmen possibly being a spy for Aeris, or at least working for him in some capacity.

We left the village proper and began walking into the sparse woods that surrounded the village, walking along the same trail we’d taken during my arrival in the village weeks ago now. Several cottages dotted the area, their windows casting the forest floor in muted amber light as we trudged through mud and fog.

Three men were sitting on a porch, basking in lantern light, while a fourth roamed nearby in his wolf form.

Jared led me up onto the porch, pausing to allow one of the guards to unlock the door. I hesitated before stepping through the threshold.

She was sitting on a couch with her bare feet propped up on a pillow, her eyes flicking up to meet us as I followed behind Jared. She rolled her eyes back to whatever book she was reading.

“I’m not saying anything if you’re here, Jared. I already told you that.”

“I’m not playing your games tonight, Carmen,” Jared replied as Brandt stepped inside the cottage and closed the door behind him.

Carmen looked up at him, tilting her head as she scanned his face.

“Then leave, so I can talk to your wife alone,” she said curtly, chuckling to herself as she set her book down and rose from the couch. She was filthy, her long golden hair caked with dirt and in a long, messy braid that fell down her back. Black and purple bruises lined her eyes, and her nose was red and swollen from what had to have been a break.

I’d seen myself in the mirror this morning. I had similar bruising but not nearly as bad. I hated that I flushed with pride at the fact that I’d hurt her more than she’d hurt me.

Jared hesitated, glancing at Brandt, then at me. I gave him a nod, doing my best to curve my mouth into a convincing smile that said, ‘I’m fine. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing right now than sitting in a room with your bat-shit crazy ex-girlfriend.’

I failed, of course.

Jared took a heavy step forward, his eyes narrowed on Carmen. Her stone-cold facade faltered as he ran his fingertips over the hilts of the blades he always wore along his thigh.

Nothing was said between them, but whatever was lingering behind his eyes was enough to knock her down a few pegs.

Her eyes were downcast as Jared turned back around and motioned for Brandt to leave. He touched me lightly on the arm before stepping out of the cottage without saying a single word.

But I could feel his power in the room. It was a suffocating presence. I was sure that power was what he’d just shown Carmen.

furnished, nothing but a couch and dining table in

speak to me,” I

into a soft smile as she continued to keep

me. Her hair had fallen loose from her

you say to me will make me think any

she breathed, tilting her head as she looked me over. “I didn’t believe it when I first heard about you. Everyone in Aeris’s court was talking about the curly-haired girl Jared had brought with him. I assumed you were just some w***e meant for his

I said nothing.



exhaling deeply. “Is that what Jared

“That’s what I assume–”

work for many people, some of whom are at odds with each other. No man is

a death knoll through the cottage, sending a shiver up my spine. She was looking directly into my eyes as

forceful… we’re rare. Do you understand

to talk about character qualities

did you agree to talk to me? Was it

said, taking a step

but only to warn you about what’s

know that Jared is the brother of King Alexander. I know that he agreed to overthrow him if Aeris released you. Was

no plan with Aeris,” she yawned. “I was just in the wrong

you,” Jared

and down, then turned on my heel and walked toward the

steal his mother’s locket,” she said

to look over my shoulder at her. She was twirling a lock of her hair around

you want

I didn’t answer.

his brother as well.” She sighed, her eyes flicking up to mine. “I tried to understand why he wouldn’t, but my mind is just… well, Jared and I have always had different priorities. I saw Jared rise up the

lower lip to prevent myself from

him break his curse? I heard rumors about your skill set when I was


a neighboring pack was a family heirloom dating back to Lycaon’s time? Word of

I said,

She rolled her eyes.

man. He read Jared for the fool that he is. Jared would have never accepted Aeris’s terms unless he had something Jared

fought against the fury heating my skin, steeling

breathed. “And will likely be stuck here

supposed to

her eyes glimmering with mischief. “I had… quite the day with him today.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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