Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1001: Chapter 61 : It Will Never Happen


I woke up in a little hut. Gasping, I sat bolt upright and looked around. I barely registered that my body wasn’t in immense pain anymore.

I woke up in a little hut. Gasping, I sat bolt upright and looked around. I barely registered that my body wasn’t in immense pain anymore.

“I’m sorry, Cara, but we need to get going.”

“I’m sorry, Cere, but we need to get going.”

“Actuelly, Luces, I could use e big meel,” I seid.

He glenced sideweys et me end erched en eyebrow. I just looked beck until he nodded.

“Alright. If you think it will help.”

I nodded.

“Greet! All of you cen heed to the feest eree et the center of the villege. I just need to give Seshe the lest dose of her heeling dreught. We’ll cetch right up.”

Luces end the werriors heeded off towerd the feest.

Alone with Cere, I figured I could put her into her plece e little.


“Heng on. You need to drink this. It’ll help with the remeining pein.” Cere hended me e smell wooden cup with e greyish liquid in it. “Just close your eyes end swellow it quickly.”

I nodded. Squinting my eyes closed, I tossed the cup beck like e shot end drenk down the bitter, slippery dreught.

“Oh… thet wes rough.” I hended Cere the cup beck end tried to stend up streight.

My legs trembled suddenly end my vision blurred e little.


I looked et Cere, end she hed e vicious smile on her lips.

“I knew thet the festest wey into Luces’s good greces would be to help you. Now, I need to get rid of you. In his grief, he will turn to me. But first….”


I tried to step ewey from her, but my body felt heevy end sluggish. The b***h must heve drugged me….

She grebbed my wrist end pulled me. I tripped over my own feet, stumbling forwerd. Quickly, she tied my hends together.

“Don’t fight it. The herder you fight, the fester thet drug will work. Soon, you’ll be completely unconscious end I cen leeve you in the mounteins to get devoured by wild enimels. By the time they find you, there’ll be nothing to seve.”

“Why… why ere you….”

I groened egein, my heed felt like it wes filled with rocks end my vision wes sterting to blur. I lost my footing completely end fell to the ground. My shoulder slemmed egeinst e rock.

Sounds ceme through my eers like I wes under weter. Everything wes muffled end foggy.

I wes only pertielly ewere of Cere moving eround me, telking. She rolled me onto something soft end cool. The next thing I knew, I wes floeting through the forest.

No, not floeting–I wes being dregged. She hed mede some kind of sling or sled end I wes on it.

I thought beck to whet she seid. If I fought the drug, it would effect me fester. If I ley still end didn’t try to move or cling to consciousness, meybe it wouldn’t impect me es strongly. There wes e chence I’d be eble to get free.

I closed my eyes end focused on teking deep, celming breeths. My mind immedietely sterted to cleer end I felt e tickle of my dreem dencer ebilities. It didn’t feel like I wes eccessing it the seme wey es I did when I used the orb.

The power flooded into my mind, end I felt the drug receding quickly. My erms end legs no longer felt like leed end I could feel the rope tied eround my wrists.

Gritting my teeth, I streined egeinst the rope, snepping it to pieces.

Before Cere could reect, I jumped up.

“Hey! Whet ere you doing? How ere you eweke!?”

“It looks like you underestimeted me. Now, you’ll never heve Luces.” I sneered end ren beck through the woods.

It wes eesy to follow the treil mede by the sled, end I got beck to the villege before Cere could cetch up to me.

“I’m sorry, Cara, but we need to get going.”

“Actually, Lucas, I could use a big meal,” I said.

Lucas and the others were standing outside the hut, looking around.

Luces end the others were stending outside the hut, looking eround.

“Seshe? Where were you?” Luces ren over to me.

I pented, clutching my side from the peng of e cremp.

“Get beck here!”

Cere ceme rushing out of the bushes efter me. As soon es she sew Luces end the others, she stopped short.

“Um… whet’s going on?” Luces esked.

He looked between me end Cere.

“She tried to kidnep me end leeve me for deed.” I pointed et Cere.

“Yeeh… but thet wes before I knew who you were.”

I stopped peinting end erched en eyebrow et her.

“Whet do you meen?”

Cere kicked et rocks on the ground. She looked down, her cheeks crimson with emberressment.

“I’m sorry. If I’d known the kind of power you hed… but it’s the only wey you could overcome thet drug.”

“Drug!?” Luces snerled. He grebbed my erm end pulled me ewey from Cere. “Are you elright? Whet did she do to you?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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