Spoil My Errant Wife

Chapter 3: Patrick Hopkins 

"Patrick, you still know to come back?"

In the middle of the wide sofa in the living room sat an old man with a solemn face.

He was in a black suit embroidered with gold thread.

Holding a walking stick, he was shouting angrily at his grandson.

Around 5 am, Patrick got back home from the hotel.

Patrick glanced at his grandfather on the sofa, whom he had not seen for many years, and decided to ignore him.

He walked straight to the study on the second floor.

"Stop right there! Do you hear me?"

His grandpa got so angry that his face darkened.

"Patrick, old master heard that you would come home last night, and has been waiting for you at home all night long."

The old butler, who was standing aside, said slowly with a smile on his face, "Young master, I haven't seen you for so many years.You're getting more handsome..."

Patrick nodded at the old butler and turned to look at his grandfather on the sofa.

His grandfather was in high spirits, but with a sullen face now.

"I have something important to do..."

Patrick said flatly and walked straight up the stairs as he spoke.

Mr.Hopkins glared at him furiously, but he knew Patrick's cold nature very well, so he could only roar to his back, "Go to Gordon Hotel for a blind date at seven tomorrow night..."


When Mr.Hopkins saw Patrick ignore him completely and stride towards the study, he got so angry that he wanted to hit his unfilial grandson with the walking stick.

"Look what he is like now!"

"Old Master, young master has just returned from the United States.Don't force him to go on a blind date in such a hurry...’’ The old butler couldn't help laughing and advised.

Mr.Hopkins stared at him, "How can I not be in a hurry? I have only one grandson.He’s almost 30 years old but doesn't even have a girlfriend.When will he give me a great-grandson?"

"Young master has never fancied women that much since childhood..."

The old butler also looked worried.

"Old Master, we will hold a party next month, and there must be many ladies coming.Then young master can pick one he likes..."

When Mr.Hopkins thought of the party, he raised his brows slightly and told in an old and stern voice.

"Make it grand, and tell them.Any girl who is able to make him settled down, I will recognize her as the granddaughter-in-law of the Hopkins Family, no matter what her family background is..."

It was the end of January.

Winter had come, and the New Year was half month away.

Big red lanterns were hanging in the air, while the colored lights were flashing on the streets.

Everywhere was bathed in a festive atmosphere of the New Year.

was sitting in a coffee shop with

she was stirring the

had caught her husband and his mistress's ‘love story’ that day, Christina had moved back to her old

her temple with

wanted to go back to the apartment to sleep for a while,

left in a hurry and

"D*mn it!"

what kind of trick did you play to make my mother disapprove of our divorce? Can you please let me go? I don't want to

a sudden, the cafe door

who was paying the bill at the counter, as if she was an enemy, his cold voice full of

a hint of pain flashed across

lips, raised her head, and pretended

around and

Cory was surprised.

this, he felt angry and reached out to grab her

"Let go of me!"

hand away in

and sneered, "Christina, don't flatter yourself and don't ever think that I'm here to coax you.It's just that my Mom

"I'm not interested!"

right now

was rejected by Laurie, who only told her not to make

You'd better stay in the corner.You were originally unqualified

in a cold

alone, he turned around and strode

the Hopkins Family's mansion, the party was held in a splendid and

eight-meter-long European crystal

blind date, with stunning beauties in full

laughed, and toasted, looking

felt depressed and unwell, so she walked towards a quiet

of piercing eyes were sticking to her, but she knew

you know

against the railing on the

Christina's direction with

felt someone was

darkened when seeing the

"Why are you here?"

her and asked discontentedly in

gritted her teeth and sneered, "Miss Mistree, how dare you

in her right hand and stared at

be kicked out of the Hampton

Carrie laughed out loud, "Christina, seriously, poor you.Your husband sent you to another man's

"Shut up!"

she lost control and screamed, Carrie laughed even more arrogantly, "Cory told me that you were married for three years, but he didn't even want to touch you.Christina, that's really pathetic.Now everyone in the

daughter to the

he wanted to introduce me and my daughter to the rich and

out of here I felt disgusting seeing you

Mistress.After all, I

gritted her teeth angrily

as Cory and I don't get divorced, you can't marry him.You can only be a shameless mistress and your dear daughter will always be


"Christina, I brought up my daughter all these years abroad all by myself

raised her hand,

swollen, and her small body staggered backward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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