Chapter 9

Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to admit it. Everyone was stunned, including Nathaniel.

“Since Mr. Hall has insisted Ms. Thayner was the one who formulated First Live, she should know it inside and out, so why won’t Ms. Thayner tell me the difference between the two samples? What did I do to the formula, and which note have I changed?”

“I-I…” Melanie was ashen-faced. She had hardly been to a laboratory in two years. Even if she had not forgotten her knowledge, each perfume used different formulas and raw materials. Even its weight would vary slightly.

Melanie constantly hung out with Nathaniel while Lily busied herself formulating First Love. What trophies or honors would be out of reach as long as she could hook up with him? She thought wasting her time on First Love’s data was not worth it. Melanie instinctively grabbed the corner of Nathaniel’s clothes and pursed her lips.

Nathaniel noticed her nervousness, so he took a step forward and protected Melanie behind him naturally. “You were the one who tampered with the formula, so how would Mel know what you did to it? You’ve already admitted to tampering with MN Inc.’s perfume, so I think we should end this charade and…”

“I only admitted to changing the formula, not stealing it. The formula belongs to me, so I can change it as I see fit. Melanie should be familiar with First Love since she claims it as her own. Why does she seem otherwise? Or is this a case of a thief framing a thief? Is Mel the one who stole others’ formulas and work?” Lily exposed Melanie unceremoniously without being subtle and leaving no trace of mercy.

Being accused and exposed on such an occasion, Melanie could not refute it. Lily had caught her off guard, so she raised her hand and pointed at Lily, “You’re slinging mud at me! Y-You…” Melanie had fallen backward from the stage before she could finish speaking.


“Mel!” Nathaniel, who was closest, exclaimed and held Melanie’s fallen self. “Sorry, because of Ms. Thayner’s state, MN Inc. has to leave the stage,” Nathaniel said as he turned to look at the host, his tone polite yet blunt.

Then he turned to Lily, his glance relaxed. “But we won’t let others slander us like this!”

Lily raised her eyebrows and watched him hurriedly pick Melanie up to leave the venue.

defend herself without evidence, so she acted as if she

current predicament. The farce ended because of


did you plan today’s controversy?

perfume industry two years ago. Was it because of that previous competition when everyone slandered

you go to Rebirth? Mr. Hall mentioned you were MN Inc.’s employee, so

MN Inc. were in a relationship. Are you taking revenge on something he

get the answers you are looking for in time.” She left that last sentence for the reporters before getting into the limousine under Rebirth’s escorts.

the flashing lights and noise outside. The cold air in the

Lily was surprised. She thought Alexander had left

Alexander sighed and withdrew his hand, sighing softly. “Unfortunately, the results were a bit unsatisfactory.”

head. “It’s not the end, only

Alexander raised an eyebrow.


did all that, only to get nothing in

given up several awards and honors for so long. Still, he

she took it out and glanced at it. She saw it was Olivia

after, a burst of triumphant laughter sounded from the other side of the call. “I’m so happy! Hahaha, I can’t explain how satisfying that was to watch! You did a great job, Lily!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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