Chapter 3

Lily looked down at her instep and raised her head calmly. “What’s wrong?”

“Where are the First Love’s documents?! We can’t find it in the lab. Do you know what day it is today?! Rather than staying in the lab, you chose to wander around?!”

Nathaniel followed Lily’s line of sight and saw the small cut on her instep. He felt guilty for a while but soon thought of the upcoming competition, which was more critical to him.

“Isn’t the new product’s reveal and competition starting tonight? I thought I still had some time left, so I bought myself some new clothes to prepare for it.”

Before Nathaniel could speak, Melanie beside him laughed. “Why? Are you planning to attend?”

“Can’t I?” Lily turned to look at her former friend and asked back.

Melanie’s smile deepened. “It’s not that. I’m just worried you will feel out of place. Also, didn’t you avoid participating in such activities in the past?”

“Yeah, you’ve never liked these places nor pursued fame and fortune. You can stay at home and wait for our good news! Now, where are the documents?” Nathaniel approached Lily and reached out, wanting to pat her shoulder, but Lily deftly turned sideways to avoid Nathaniel’s hand.

Nathaniel froze for a moment, and a kraft paper bag in Lily’s hand immediately caught his attention. “Are the documents complete?” He took the bag and checked it carefully with concern before handing it to Melanie.

With her action so natural, Melanie took it and glanced casually. A satisfied smile appeared on her lips. It’s not that Melanie did not understand the fragrance, but she still lacked talent compared to Lily.

In addition, after hooking up with Nathaniel, Melanie even gave up her acquired efforts. Over the years, she probably forgot almost all her knowledge, taking all Lily’s credit and enjoying her achievements.

documents, Melanie almost heard the trophy beckoning

pick them up at the laboratory before

in front of her. Feeling disgusted, Lily asked, “Nate, can’t I participate in

blanked for a while and immediately frowned. “Lily, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t I tell you this is for your good? Did you forget about the new talent competition

I’m not saying it will fail, but think about it. There’s always

and seen it with her own eyes, the shameless couple would have moved her to tears. Every word the couple said was considerate and kind, yet

tonight!” Lily

“That’s right, hurry up and prepare

of course, she would ensure nothing went

voice over the phone sounded concerned. “Lily, are you okay? By the way, Mr. Hall has been looking for you for

said, “Olivia,

adjusted First Love many times. Are you sure you want to add it to the perfume now?” Olivia asked worriedly. She had been Lily’s

with its results. Tonight was a big night for First Love, so Olivia


could not help but ask again, even though she knew the answer would be no. She knew how much effort

had studied many best-selling perfumes, but no one knew about her because Melanie stole the spotlight. Olivia felt aggrieved just thinking

said meaningfully, “Nate and Mel will

worry. I’ll handle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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