Sweet Sorrow

Chapter 118 Austin, Who Got Caught.

On the way back home with Nicole, Jacob received a phone call.

It was about Austin.

At that time, Nicole was sitting beside Jacob, leaning her head on his shoulder. So she also heard what was said on the phone.

Austin was caught by the police.

At that moment, Nicole's body stiffened, and the original ease and relaxed expression on her face disappeared in an instant.

She got to know what was going on with Austin from the assistant, and she also knew that Austin would be caught sooner or later. But to her surprise, this day came so soon.

Since she had known about the truth, It had been less than half a month that Austin got caught.

"You heard it."

Jacob put down his phone and said indifferently.

Nicole gritted her teeth and nodded.

The original happy atmosphere in the car suddenly froze, and both of their faces turned sour at the same time.

"What do you want to say?" Jacob asked as he looked down at Nicole.

Nicole shook her head, "nothing."

She really didn't have anything to say. Even if she was stupid, she knew that she couldn't say anything good for Austin in front of Jacob. Moreover, she didn't want to say anything either.

The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.

It was only a matter of time that Austin was caught by the police. It was not Jacob's fault.

"You really don't want to plead for him? If you really care about him, maybe I can let him suffer less. " Jacob stared closely at Nicole, trying to find a hint of reluctance in her eyes.

didn't mean it. If Nicole felt sorry for Austin, he wouldn't let

let Nicole off


time, however, Nicole didn't do anything that would make him angry.

his words, Nicole sighed. She said in a soft but firm voice, "I won't plead for Austin. He has to take the consequences for what he has done. He gets the consequences now, and I

on Jacob's face was eased a little. He gave a short

knew that he had such shortcomings, but I didn't find them unbearable. Now

Nicole raised her head and looked at Jacob with

He felt uncomfortable

and answered after

to answer, so Nicole didn't realize

man? I

from him, she was at a loss whether to cry or

was a cold-blooded woman. Why do I become better


said, "have

out of anger. What he meant was that Nicole was too cold-blooded to him, which made him

Austin, the more cold-blooded she was, the better.

tell her about it.

to take


also wanted to laugh. This topic was started by

really annoying.

a while, but he didn't utter a word. She had no choice but to sigh. She leaned her

Jacob, she felt that her hand was held tightly by

said nothing, she could tell from

believed that Austin's case was finally

City accumulated a lot of business.

to go home and spend a weekend with her mother and

estate as usual, and she was about to get on Jacob's driver's car.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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