Sweet Sorrow

Chapter 119 What If, On That Day

Nicole was worrying about what to do when she saw the driver getting out of the car and coming over.

"Selina Zhang, I don't know what happened between you and Sabina. I want to say it again. I have nothing to do with you. Don't bother me again!"

When Nicole just finished her words, the driver pulled Selina away.

With tears all over her face, but Selina eyes were still fierce. She trembled and cursed, "Nicole Du, are you very happy now? Are you laughing in your dream when you saw that Austin has gone into the jail?"

If the driver hadn't held Selina forcefully, Selina would have pounced on Nicole and torn her apart.

When Nicole was thinking that Selina had been despised by her neighbors, she was even more lack of confidence and pity as Austin was caught.

Now that she had met Selina, Nicole had no reason to pity her.

Selina was really so annoying.

Though in the end, her arrogant face did never change a bit.

"Selina Zhang, please think it over. I don't owe You Liang family anything. You have no right to yell at me. What's more, you should look for Sabina instead of throwing a tantrum at me."

After that, Nicole gave a cold look at Selina, and then strode in the direction of the car.

The driver didn't let go of Selina until Nicole got in the car. She was about to run to Nicole again, but was pushed away by the driver.

Selina's bitchy tricks could only be used to Nicole who had no strength at all. She had no chance to do that in front of the strong driver.

She trembled all over and watched the driver leave. She dared not to take one more step forward. She didn't cry out again until the driver got on and drove away.

Her husband had died at a young age. After years of hard work, she had brought up her son. She had thought that she would have a good time with her son in her old age, but things just went on like this.

Selina had been a shrewish woman for her whole life. Even in this situation, she still wouldn't let go of others. She had been relying on what her son had, a quick temper, when she had a bit of the power of being ruthless and fierce. Now that her affair with the gang had been exposed and Austin went into the jail, that power had disappeared.

It was really unacceptable for her.

Selina sat on the curb, holding her face in her hands and crying for a long time. It was not until the night fell that there were more and more people came to the snack stalls by the roadside that she stumbled to stand up. She stooped and left.


Nicole kept thinking about what Selina said to her.

the jail, but she still couldn't figure out why Selina said that she had stolen


give the house which they used to get married inside


then Austin was really nice to

impossible for a mean man like Austin to transfer an apartment to a woman who hasn't got

this, Nicole smiled with self

different from the way Austin treated her and Sally.

health care products in hundreds of dollars for her family, and he was unwilling to do

couldn't have match with Sabina at

had already transferred the ownership to her. Now even though Austin was

other men before. Judging from what Selina had done today, she didn't think Sabina had done anything good. Otherwise,

her head and gave a wry smile. As the old saying goes, "a wicked person needs

the way. The car steadily stopped at the door of the villa of

the driver's help, Nicole turned around and said thanks to the driver.

in addition to picking you up." The driver smiled and answered

anyway." Hearing the driver's words, Nicole knew that this must be

his work, the driver was willing to do his best which deserved Nicole's

soon as she walked in, Lily came up to her and said that she had ordered some food for Nicole to try when she came

surrounded by a group of people.

a trance

beautiful, which had made her have the idea of

lasted till the night.

message, explaining that he was

her lips curled up. But she hesitated when she

afraid in that series of happy moments.

was the fear

not getting used to living in the house, to getting accustomed to living in the house step by step. Now everything folded into one, which frightened her and

was time limit for such

to the feeling of being picked up by a car and being escorted around by others. What should she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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