Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 359

359-His Big Cucumber

The air became so hard to breathe inside the car that I kept staring at my face. I rolled

out of the car without saying a word, and he followed me soon after. I was taking deep

and steady breaths to calm down.

“Get inside the car. I don’t want drama here,” he commanded while approaching me.

Before he could even lay a finger on me to drag me back to the car, I raised my hand

to brush him with a hard breeze. It wasn’t as hard as one would accept, just enough to

tell him that I don’t want him to come any closer to me.

“Seriously?” he shouted, running a hand through his hair and getting angrier at me.

“What is going on with you? Why are you acting like my powers are a burden to you?”

I finally raised my voice after I felt like it was the right time to have this conversation

with him.

“I am not the one who is acting all bossy and arrogant all the time,” he shouted back

at me this time. I felt my heart rip open when he talked about me in that tone.

“When did I ever do that? Just because I am able to take care of myself now, do you

think I’m arrogant?” I could feel the tears forcing themselves into the conversation, but

I kept sniffing them back.

“You don’t even listen to what I have to say. You do whatever pleases you. I’m an

Alpha, Enya. I don’t like being told off. But you do it to me all the time. You don’t

fucking care at all,” he screamed even louder, approaching me as if he was going to

But he didn’t

a problem with my powers?” I sighed, calming

I was too hurt to

a problem with these cursed powers. The powers you

you use these powers to save anyone when

hurt others?” He grunted when he

for achieving my

fault? I’m trying to

making it seem like I was the one

so much pain.

too proud of having those powers. Every time

use your powers to shut them up,” he screamed. He hadn’t

voice this

do that with your powerful wolf, too?”

deepened in my eyes.

someone’s childhood. My wolf isn’t the one who

my mansion. My wolf didn’t torture me, but your mom

screamed at the top of his lungs,

at my face after he blurted it

father— was

pain run

Enya.” He said, breaking down in his

It would still not be enough if

was being punished and given a mission to help these alphas

mother tortured.

he sighed, looking much calmer now. His

were relaxed, too.

run over to me now. I felt

alpha messed

and sat in the car while it took

everything and

car ride was completely

at the magic I

giving him

didn’t get off, so

was staring at him, while his eyes were fixated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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