Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 54: Beyond Repair 


--- TWO WEEKS LATER - - - 

"No! She did not do that!"

I shook my head at Tiff and Carrie as I couldn't believe what they were telling me.

"Oh yeah, she did,"they nodded aggressively back.

"No way.My mother did not do that.She’s the most non- confrontational person ever.She can't possibly do that.No! There’s no way!"my voice got increasingly higher and higher and my friends shook their heads in disagreement.

"But she did,"Carrie stated.

"Yup.She marched right in here, grabbed Tyler by his collar, and cursed at him like there was no tomorrow,"Tiff added.

It was my first day back at school after taking two weeks off after the accident.

Thankfully, I managed to keep up with classes with the help of Tiff and Carrie who brought their notes and my homework to me every day.

The hospital discharged me a couple of days after lan’s little visit.

They said I was fine, but they told me I had to stay in bed rest.  So for the past week, I stayed at home, watched a lot of Netflix, and did my homework.

My teachers were kind enough to let me take my exams later so I wouldn't miss my grades.

Meanwhile, mom never told me that she had gone to school a couple of weeks ago.

After we had a little heart to heart, she went out of the hospital for a few hours, but I assumed she went home or something.

Turns out, she went to school and gave Tyler a little talk.  "I can’t believe I'm just hearing about this now.Why am I only hearing about this now?"

I glared at my two best friends as we made our way down the hall.

"We weren't gonna tell you at all, honestly,"Tiff answered.

"You're so stressed out with everything that’s happened, we don't wanna add to that,"Carrie followed.

I guess I might have never found out about it too, except for the fact that people kept whispering and staring at me as I walked into school this morning.

I heard their murmurs and whispers and I picked up on the fact that my mom was here, screaming her head off at some poor kid.

When I asked Tiff and Carrie about it, finally they spoke up.

They didn’t see it firsthand, but they heard from a friend of a friend of Mark’s, who was in the hallway at that time.

Apparently, my mom came to school searching for Tyler, pulled Tyler out of his last period class, and yelled at him for breaking my heart.My mom's my hero, but also...no.

"That is so embarrassing, oh my god.I can't believe she did that,"I groaned as I opened my locker and put my books away, 

"And poor Tyler.He must so hella confused,"

"Oh yeah.He came looking for us the next day and asked us if we knew anything about that,"Carrie replied.

"And? What did you guys tell him?"

"We told him it was a misunderstanding.Your mom thought that he was the guy you were dating,"

did he

said okay and he

thing?"I asked again,

he seems to be very understanding,"Carrie

was a skeeze for kissing you at the dance, but now I think he’s

by my mom in front of the kids at school for no apparent reason.I felt bad for him.He was taking the punches that

couldn't deny the fact that I was thankful mom thought it was Tyler and not

better go

I scanned the halls for signs

to chick-fill-A, I knew he’d be at the library.I was making my way down the halls without anything in particular in mind, when suddenly I spotted lan walking on the other side of the

hand and he was reading through them as he walked.I gulped instinctively and thought about turning away to avoid him.But before I could do anything else, lan looked up

too late to try and

but he didn’t stop his tracks.He pulled his composure and kept

when he was an arm’s

"You're back?"he asked lowly.

picked up its pace and I got all

"Yeah,"I breathed.

"You feeling better?"




out a small smile before looking away and

past right by me without saying

say something else, but there

turned my head around and watched his back as he kept

back, not even

now on? I'd have to see him in the hallways and he'll be ignoring me? After a year of an epic whirlwind romance, now we were reduced to

the worst part was that he made it look so easy to go

about him, what he was doing,

of it, it didn’t even seem like my existence mattered that much to him How did he change so much and so fast? - It had only been

spent my days and nights crying over him, wondering what I could have said or done to get him to change his

once he’s

No turning back.

steps, I made my

was doing here and why I was heading to the library in the

and it landed on this tall blonde guy wearing a hoodie, and

a smile as I remembered what I

steps were increasingly lighter as I

the empty seat

looked shocked to

ear pods out quickly and

"Yeah," I beamed.

smiled back,

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks,"

at the hospital, but then your mom came here and she made

that.I've been looking everywhere for you.I owe you

that would

listen, first of all, I'm so sorry about my mom.She thought you and I were dating.I didn’t know where she got that idea from, but that’s what she thought.She never asked me about it so I never confirm or deny it.Instead, she came and yelled at you, and it wasn’t cool.I just found out about this today and I’m gonna tell her

to tell her anything.Don't worry about it,"he waved his hand carelessly

mad?"I narrowed my eyes at him, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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