Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 88: Acid Rain 


lan hadn't texted or called for days.It had been days.

Almost a week since that email and phone call debacle.I knew I asked for space, but I didn’t know it was gonna be like this.I tried texting him once, but it wasn’t even delivered.I tried calling, but it never went through.

It was like he turned his phone off purposefully.Or maybe he blocked me? That couldn't be true.We were in a fight, sure, but he wouldn't do that to me.Something was definitely not right.

Today was lan’s gallery's soft launch and even though I wasn’t coming to it, I thought at least he’d call and tell me about it.

This was the longest Ian and I had gone without communication.

And though I was the one who asked for it, I hated every second of it.

I did, however, end up applying for the Paris program and I would hear the result within a week.

There was a small interview that I did for it yesterday, and my interviewer was positive that I would be a good fit for the program.That was a good sign.

I was happy, but I wasn’t too happy due to the circumstances.

I wanted to tell lan about it, but I couldn't.

This whole taking time apart thing was a stupid idea.

With every day that passed, I felt my heart sink lower and lower.

I wanted to talk to him, even just to hear him yell at me, I would take it.

But now I couldn't even reach him.

What was he doing? Was he still mad at me? Or was this his way of teaching me a lesson? Enough was enough.

After a week of this torture, I couldn't take it anymore.

It was a Saturday night and although I should be studying for my finals, I ended up pulling my coat and boots out of my closet, ready to go.

"Hey, you going somewhere?"

Tristan asked when he saw me running across the living room haphazardly.

"Yeah.New York City,"

I said simply and I didn’t stop moving.

I was putting my boots on and my coat on at the same.

"Right now?"

"Enough is enough, I can’t study and I can't concentrate.I can’t live like this, I have to talk to him," I stated.

Tristan was about to say something, but I didn’t wait.

I grabbed my purse from the kitchen counter and headed straight out the door.

I was running as fast as I could.

As soon as I stepped out of the apartment, I saw a taxicab and waved at it energetically.

Taking the cab to the station, I told the driver to step on it.

I wanted to make the next train out, which was in fifteen minutes.

The sooner I could see him, the sooner we could make up and put this stupid thing behind us.I felt so dumb for what I did.I should have been more open and communicative.I shouldn't have kept him in the dark.

 "No matter what happens, we'll work it out,"

I remembered he promised me once.

"No matter what happens, we'll work it out,"

I said to myself as if it was a mantra.

The taxi driver probably thought I was crazy, but I didn't care.

I wanted to make sure I remember those words.

That would be the first thing I tell him when I see him tonight.

After getting off the Grand Central station, I took another cab towards lan’s gallery.

It was 9.30 PM and his soft launch started an hour ago.

He was probably still there.

When the cab pulled up in front of the gallery, my heart was racing so fast, I felt like it was gonna burst right out of my chest.

I paid the driver and stepped outside quickly.

drizzling outside, but I

head as if it could cover me from

The place looked amazing.

could see everything inside,

darted around like a hawk, scanning the

then I saw him...or rather,

were standing a few feet away from

were flushed against each

They were kissing.

hungrily and passionately, and he

widened at the sight, and I wanted

like a car wreck that

in slow motion, every

hand was

hands were on his chest and they went up slowly to run across his hair.Their lips

"No...!" I breathed.

of my voice seemed to have

turned his

met and his eyes

flooded with

can't be happening to

Not again.

Not him.

Not lan...

spot, looking at Ally with a confused

stared at me and a small smirk

too painful to

of strength I had left in me, I turned to my heels and ran out of there


calling out after me, but I didn’t turn


even louder this

tracks and

pouring harder and lan was

he could barely stand on his own, let alone

of me, I looked up at him, waiting for

had blended with the rain falling on my

was that?"I spoke when

looked lost, he couldn't even look at me in

I think? So I didn’t see you two kiss?"I scoffed and pushed him

"What the hell, lan?"

nothing you haven't


was waiting for an explanation, maybe

was, yelling at me? "Don’t

he snickered.


pure, innocent angel,"he slurred, pausing for a moment before saying, "But turns out, you're just like everybody else.You're a

 I was frozen in shock.He called me

nothing to

stand here and be a hypocrite.I'll

clouded with anger

know what came over me, but the next thing I knew,

* I had slapped him across

for a second, rubbing his chin a little, and

mine like

at me like this

steps back, but he moved in on me and boxed me in between a

was trapped between his body

were in a smaller street, almost like

and there

hoping he would stop moving, but

pinned hard against the cold concrete and lan’s

scrunched my eyes shut in anticipation, knowing I

never landed on me, it stood

to see him

slumped down a little and I let out a

fiick out


gonna hit me?" I

shouldn't do that, but I was

he didn't have a reason to bet

My anger was justified.

saw him kissing another girl, he

I do to

"Who are you?"

said, choking back

"This is not you,"

is me!" he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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