After Eliana left, Adrian was sure that something was wrong.

Being asked to leave home so suddenly made him uneasy. He suspected that something huge had happened, but he had no idea what it was.

When Nana tried to get him to leave, he refused.

“Nana, I won’t play hide and seek unless you tell us what’s really going on.”

“Adrian!” Adrian refused to move from the sofa.

Nana stared at him. It was a real headache for her.

Adrian was sensitive but stubborn. Once he made up his mind, it was hard to get him to change it, and Nana didn’t know how.

When Nana was at a loss, Aileen approached them.

She walked towards her brother with her favorite doll in her arms.

“Adrian, don’t be so stubborn. We need to go.”

Adrian shook his head. “No, I won’t. Aileen, have you ever thought that the person playing hide and seek with us might be Dad?”

Nana’s heart skipped a beat. Adrian had guessed the truth.

Would Aileen also refuse to leave?

over at

clutched her doll. “I’d still go,” she said firmly. “Mommy

it’s Dad, you won’t regret

much Aileen wanted

has been taking care of us our whole lives. I do want a daddy, but if having a daddy will make Mommy sad,

and Adrian were

Aileen, who always begged to have

gave her credit for. She had many things

Aileen’s attitude swayed Adrian.

right. He must stand by his

I’ve changed my

they were able to

as Eliana stepped outside the

it! Why was he

I say that I would come and meet you, Preston? Why didn’t you keep

Preston’s presence ruined

“I couldn’t wait.”

forward and gave Eliana an intense

painful to him. He had to know the truth as soon as possible.

then, Nana came downstairs in an elevator with Kimora

of the corner of her eye. Her

stepped forward to

without you telling me!” Eliana said loudly to attract Preston’s

behavior only made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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