Eliana stood downstairs in a daze. She silently digested the outrageous information she had just found out.

The sound of her phone ringing in her pocket brought her back to her senses.

The call was from Preston.

Preston…the ring…


Eliana smacked her forehead. She had completely forgotten about finally getting the ring back.

This was her chance to tell him the good news.

Eliana answered the phone, filled with excitement.

“Preston, I have something to tell you…”

“Where are you now?” Maurice interrupted her in a low voice.

“What? I’m at home.”

“I want to come see you.”

Preston wanted to see her? Did he already know that she had gotten the ring back? That would be impossible.

Eliana felt uncertain. Preston had never wanted to come to her home before. Something must have happened.

The twins were here. She couldn’t let him see them.

come. Why can’t we

he said,

Eliana was frozen instantly.


silence. Maurice could

Was Gerald right?

chest tightened. “Eliana, tell me the truth. If you don’t tell the

Eliana blurted out in

to her

know where my house is? Preston, you followed

subject, but Maurice didn’t

finding out where people live. I never thought that you would hide something so huge

was like a smoldering fire about to burst

about the children was true, he didn’t

be delayed any longer. To prevent Preston from

here. I’ll come to you and we

herself to speak

at the Imperial Golden Club. You’d better be there


to know that a gigolo was their father? Would Preston take the



upstairs and started throwing things


hurry! You need to take the kids out to hide them,” Eliana said anxiously

“Hide them? Why?”

found out about the children. I’m afraid he’ll take them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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