The Omnipotent Lord sneered, stood up, and looked down at James. He pointed at James and said, “I’ll give you two choices, James. You can either submit to me or die.”

James did not take the Omnipotent Lord’s threats seriously. He calmly looked at the Omnipotent Lord and responded,” Submit to you? I might consider it, if you can make it worth my while.”

The Omnipotent Lord was taken aback. He did not expect James to comply so easily and was prepared for James to challenge him in a fight to the death over the position of the new universe’s Lord.”

For a while, the Omnipotent Lord remained silent.

After a few seconds, he sorted out his thoughts and grinned. “Of course, I’ll make it worth your while. In the new universe, those with strength will be given authority. If you can defeat my subordinate, I’ll give you the position of the Deputy Universe Lord.”

The Omnipotent Lord called out, “Briscoe.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

stepped forward. It was a middle-aged man about 1.8 meterstall. He wore a white robe and seemed quite refined. Despite his

Lord looked at James and said, “This is the current Deputy Universe Lord, Briscoe Haldor. He’s been assisting me in managing the new universe. Also, for your information, he is a Nine-Power Macrocosm Ancestral God

Firstly, he wanted to test James’ true strength. Secondly, he wanted to see if James was really willing to comply with

he planned to give James a prestigious status regardless of the battle’s outcome. Although he would not be conveyed the highest ranks, he would still be extremely influential in the

you some time to prepare for the fight. The fight can

Lord declared

still unsure how the First District could raise so many powerhouses in mere Epochs. He felt he would not get the answers he wanted even

the Omnipotent Lord for now. James suspected it had something to do with the Dark World’s Watchers. He had exposed himself in the Dark World, so the Watchers must have investigated him.

provided him with some support. As a result, the Omnipotent Lord achieved great strength and was on the cusp of becoming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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