A thousand years was a long time for mortals, but for a powerhouse like James, it would pass in the blink of an eye.

“Alright. I agree to your terms.”

The Omnipotent Lord clapped his hands and laughed out loud. “Haha. Don’t disappoint me, James. I hope you can defeat Briscoe and become the Deputy Universe Lord. Then, we can join forces and vanquish the Dark World together.”

James’ frowned at the Omnipotent Lord’s words. He suspected that the Omnipotent Lord’s current strength and legion of of powerhouses were all acquired through the Watchers. However, he oblivious to the Dark World’s circumstances and was still trying to conquer it.

Did the Watchers help him while keeping him in the dark?

James did not dwell on the question for too long and asked, “Where will the battle be held?”

The Omnipotent gave it some consideration and said, “After I merged the twelve universes to form a Super Universe, the space in the new universe has become very stable.

However, I’m sure a battle between two Nine-Power Macrocosm Ancestral Gods will be very destructive and lay waste to the surroundings. How about we hold it in the Chaos when the time comes?”

“Alright.” James nodded.

James departed, he descended to the foot of Mount Ancestre. He hopped back onto the big black

the Chaos Path. James had no recent intel on the Omnipotent Lord, so he wanted

waited until James had left Mount Ancestre’s main hall before finally revealing his

recruiting him? It’s

Omnipotent Lord dismissed Briscoe’s concernsand said, “I’ve


the Omnipotent Lord’s assurance, Briscoe

up and find the Macrocosm Cores formed by Universe Seeds. We need to

“Yes, My Lord.”

Omnipotent Lord sent them away. The Macrocosm Ancestral Gods in the main hall

the other hand, was making his way

the First District. Don’t expose your strength so readily. The situation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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