Unfortunately, Yui failed to detect how James’ body was made out of various precious materials meticulously combined.

That was because James had layered those base materials heavily with the Genesis Powers of countless planes of existence.

Then, he had carefully fused his soul into his current body, bit by bit.

Therefore, others could hardly discern the subtle difference between James’ body and the bodies of other living beings.

Yui was completely oblivious to the fact that James’ body was practically impenetrable.

“Alright.” After afew moments’ consideration, Yui agreed to James’ suggestion for a bet.

“T hope you won’t regret this, Yui Yeftero,” James replied.

“IT won’t.

If you succeed in taking three hits from me, me and my men will leave at once,” Yui said unwaveringly.

Yui felt extremely confident with his powers that he would agree to a battle with a cultivator in the late stage of the Holy Celestial Rank in a heartbeat.

He could hardly see James, who was a Petit Celestial Rank cultivator, as a threat.

and teleported

same area of the

other members of the Four Ancient Races remained in

Yui lifted his hand.

energy started forming at

lips as

and reappeared before

his palm

the second Yui’s palm came

branched into fine, long cracks that spread all

managed to keep his

James was sent flying in the air

attack was so powerful that cracks had appeared in the surrounding space and tremors could even be felt

had finally managed to steady himself, he felt something hot come up his throat and coughed up blood

greatly enhanced to make it resilient, Yui was nonetheless able to inflict actual

in his soul as it was affected by Yui’s attack as

He grimaced in pain.

of James’ body and the powers of the Illus, James possessed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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