Despite Yui’s powerful first attack, James’ injuries healed miraculously in an instant.

Since James wanted to buy more time, he swiftly sealed the powers of the Illus.

James knew very well the members of the Four Ancient Races were no common cultivators.

Moreover, James did not think Yui would honor his promise even if he lost the bet eventually.

Only the weak were bound by the powers of an agreement.

The stronger side could simply neglect the agreement and do whatever they want.

Yui was honestly shocked as he had used his full powers during the first hit.

The other cultivators from the Four Ancient Races also had looks of bewilderment on their faces.

They could hardly believe that a Petit Celestial Rank cultivator came out of that attack completely unscathed.

“It seems I’ve underestimated you, young man.” Yui began, “I'm impressed by the abilities of those from Theognostos.

Your cultivation rank is relatively low, yet the powers contained in your body are very strong.

anymore for my remaining attacks.”

come at me

started gathering above Yui’s head as

mists were Yui’s

Yui’s aura appeared to have heightened, some excessive auras escaped into the surroundings

method or signature skills Yui had used to enhance his

could sense how Yui's aura and powers in the early stage of the Holy Celestial Rank

the Four Ancient Races were not surprised to see the change in Yui’s aura as they

guy is very strong.”

Forty-nine’s body is extremely durable, I don't think he can withstand the attack from a Holy Celestial

his efforts go to waste if he were to be annihilated by that man this time?”

think he should be able

survives them.” “Anyhow, you need to intervene if

On the other hand, Thea and Yuvin had

was astonished when he saw that

was starting to

to unleash his powers at his true potential this

next attack would be as powerful as a hit from a cultivator

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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