The strong winds howled as ten-colored flames engulfed the sky. Buildings, mountains, flora, and fauna across the Thirtieth Heaven crumbled and exploded.

Creatures below the Daeclon Rank suffered gravely under the horrific onslaught of Supernatural Powers. They vomited blood and were consumed by the flames. Several beings on fire screamed in agony as they fled in all directions.

Even those at the Xurxo Daeclon Rank struggled to resist with their Supernatural Powers. However, they were overwhelmed by the force and unable to mount any effective resistance.

The seven powerhouses at the Yitro Daeclon Rank watched the catastrophic destruction throughout Thirtieth Heaven. Their faces were painted with horror as the dire scene unfolded.

They never imagined the mortal realm's Chosen One could already wield such a fearsome force.

Surprisingly, he had not even unleashed his true strength. Even so, his aura was already enough to cause such destructive damage.

Surrounded by a halo of purple-gold divine light, Xenova acted swiftly. His body shimmered, and twelve physical clones scattered into

their clones, assembling

clones coordinated their efforts, myriad beams of purple-gold light rays converged, solidifying into a massive purple-gold tower in the void, plummeting toward James. James

We trapped him! Cast all your

channeling vast purple-gold energy

most potent forces at the purple-gold tower.

white robe sneered, “Hmph, the descendant of Yianni is nothing special. He was just

laughter among the other powerhouses in

I was wrong.” “In Zymurgy, even powerhouses at the Soma Daeclon Rank would not be able

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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