Boom! Boom!

Two thunderous explosions sent Xenova and Cedric hurtling back, slamming into the vast palace behind them and recoiling thousands of light years.

As they steadied themselves, both coughed up blood and their faces registered shock.

Sylvia, who had remained at the sidelines, was astonished by strength. “'re so strong?”

James retracted his sword, brandished it, and replied smilingly, “It's not about my strength, but simply the superior quality of this weapon.” “That can’t be true! He so easily knocked away two powerhouses at the Yitro Daeclon Rank. How terrifying is he at full force?’ ” Slyvia did not believe James’ words.

Xenova clenched his fists and shouted, "We underestimated our opponent. We must go all out, Cedric! Otherwise, this will be a stain on our names!”

snorted, “Then,

at James once

spectral fists, and palms aimed at

additional crimson barrier.

display left the arrogant Xenova and Cedric stunned, boiling over into rage as they regained

taking action, Slyvia? Don't forget your master

James, conflicted, then said, “You're so stubborn. I apologize for having

said, she gathered a massive wave of water

the attack, James had cast

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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