Chapter 264 The Unsuccessful Revenge

“Oh, no!” The waitress was dumbfounded as she saw the disastrous situation unfold.

Today’s earnings were gone, and it seemed impossible to explain it to the boss.

“Mr. Zann, you-” the waiter said uneasily.

“Save it. Where’s my son? Lead me there quickly!”

Aaron was impatient. He didn’t wait for the waitress to finish and slapped her while shouting.

The waitress clutched her throbbing cheek and felt deeply wronged.

“He’s upstairs, on the second floor.” The waitress gestured to the upper level.

She was slapped despite doing nothing wrong. Life was just too unfair.

“Let’s go up!” Aaron waved his hand, and over a hundred people rushed to the second floor.

The restaurant staff felt a chill as they witnessed the chaotic scene that could turn deadly.

The manager was also dumbfounded and quickly made a call to the owner.

On the second floor in the private room…

“The time’s up, but your old man hasn’t arrived yet,” Caspian said as he stood up.

Kyle was now terrified as Caspian resembled a demon.

Caspian lifted his foot toward Kyle’s shin.

The door to the private room was suddenly kicked open with a bang.

“Who’s the idiot daring enough to harm my son!”

Aaron stormed in.

Caspian was about to strike again, but seeing Aaron, he held back.

Both Aaron and Kyle seemed to be quite brainless and arrogant.

Aaron glanced at the room and saw his son lying on the floor, holding his groin.

He felt a pang of sympathy and then a surge of anger.

“Dad! This jerk wants to destroy the Zann family. Teach him a lesson!” Kyle cried for help as

as he


his foot


Kyle writhed

his eyes on Caspian. “Release Kyle now, or

Caspian sneered and applied

his hysterical screams echoed in

Do you want

so bold as to break Kyle’s leg right in front of

disrespecting him was like challenging


infuriated as he watched Caspian

“Kill him!” Aaron ordered.

behind him

However, Caspian remained expressionless.

the ground, and

through the approaching crowd like a

with every shadowy punch, someone fell

men from the Zann family were lying

was surprised that Caspian’s skills were so sharp.

was seething

painstakingly trained were

you this scumbag’s father?” Caspian asked Aaron

want trouble with us. Kneel down and apologize, or the Zann family will hit back hard!” Aaron said

afraid? Just

look at your

shock. He was surprised that Caspian wasn’t bothered about


“Who are you, really?”

a fool. He knew that Caspian must have a

Caspian calmly revealed

elected alliance

anger flared

precisely because of Caspian that the Zann family suffered a loss

almost made his son lose the ability to


scumbag! I need to go to the hospital now,

never been insulted like this before, and Caspian’s kick had


today, he couldn’t

like you’re not hurt enough! You still want to talk big here!” Caspian glanced

another foot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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