Chapter 265 The Reckless Father and Son

“Caspian! Being an alliance leader doesn’t mean much. You’re in big trouble if you mess with the Zann family!” Aaron glared at Caspian.

“Is talking tough all you’ve got?” Caspian couldn’t help but laugh.

As expected, his words were just empty threats.

At this remark, Aaron’s face showed a trace of astonishment.

He couldn’t believe that Caspian was looking down on him.

Caspian then sat down again, looking at Aaron and Kyle with a smile. “Do you have any backups? If so, call them now. My patience is running thin, and I’ll give you both ten more


Aaron was surprised. He wondered whether to tell Vermont about the situation.

“If there are no backups after ten minutes, you two can crawl out,” Caspian said ruthlessly.

“Hold on! Let me make a phone call!” Aaron shouted immediately.

He didn’t want to miss this chance.

Crawling out like a cripple would be humiliating.

Aaron could sense that Caspian was a madman with real skills, given that he was able to attain

the alliance leader title.

Thinking about this, Aaron gave Kyle a fierce look.

Kyle provoked Caspian, and now Aaron had to face the consequences with him.

After this was resolved, Aaron planned to teach Kyle a lesson.

Kyle felt helpless as he noticed Aaron’s gaze.

He was on the verge of becoming a cripple, and he wondered if he’d even react to women in

the future.

to the hospital as soon as


took out his phone and called

in Swallow Castle, Vermont was lounging on a recliner, lazily enjoying his



butler hesitated before answering, “Mr. Kyle went out to have

irresponsible fellow!” Vermont

had lost hope in his son Aaron and had placed all his expectations on Kyle,

always lazy and

at home for a few days, he couldn’t

had caused trouble countless times since

eldest son of the Zann family, he would have


is volatile right now, and we

and it

on the Zann family, and any trouble would be magnified during this sensitive

nodded, preparing to

Vermont’s phone

he answered and

not safe, and we can’t afford any trouble. Do you not realize the southern forces are

to continue the conversation because Kyle had already

you mute?” Vermont

and I are together at South River

At a time like this, you’re out enjoying yourselves? Come back immediately. Do you think it’s the right

into some

kind of trouble?” Vermont asked, his

been captured and


and a fierce air

standing nearby

kept a low profile, but the

limit, and he couldn’t tolerate anyone disrespecting the Zann

has the audacity! I’ll send someone to take care

his teeth.

“It’s Caspian,” Aaron replied.

repeated, feeling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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