Chapter 274 The Siege On Galecrest


The folks of Naporia soon learned of Wylie’s crimes after he was arrested and put on trial.

News of his execution would soon follow.

The folks in Easton celebrated in the streets as they received news of Wylie’s arrest.

They had been waiting for such a day for a very long time.

Meanwhile, at Galecrest headquarters, Billy was curled up on the ground while sobbing uncontrollably.

“Sir, please avenge my father!”

He had broken down into tears ever since he learned that Wylie had been executed.

Cole’s expression was sunken as he had never anticipated things to turn out this way when he

ordered Wylie to attack the Eight Noble Lineages with his me to turn out this way when he

And worst of all, the man leading the charge ended up arrested and publicly shamed before being executed.

Cole couldn’t help but pity Wylie for what he had gone through.

He had also realized just how powerful Caspian was once more.

The Eight Noble Lineages of Naporia were all willingly working for Caspian.

It would be difficult to try and make a move against Caspian.

Cole composed himself before facing the sobbing Billy. “Stand up, kid. I’ll think of a way to avenge your father.”

“Thank you, sir!” answered Billy respectfully.

Billy had no one left to rely on other than Galecrest now that his father was dead.

Cole simply dismissed and ignored Billy’s pleas now that he was practically worthless since Wylie was dead.

He then turned to Night Shadow at his side. “Night Shadow!”

Night Shadow emerged from the corner of the room. “Yes, sir?”

“Any news about Caspian?” asked Cole.

“Caspian had already ordered the eradication of Galecrest in two days‘ time.”


“Ridiculous!” shouted Cole as he smashed a vase beside him into pieces.

declare the eradication of

that bastard! I’ll kill all of his family



a second

over to Southlake City and kill all of the

Billy nodded. “Yes, sir!”


only proper that he paid homage to his

and dismissed everyone.

into deep thought as the room

he could not defeat Caspian in a

would probably suffer the same fate as


in anger as he pondered

pulled out his phone and called up a mysterious contact whose number



call quickly connected, and Cole was greeted with an aging

best respectful tone. “I need

Bay, Caspian

governor of Naporia wants to pay you a

that he would face



he realized that he would have to truly wipe the entirety of Galecrest off Naporia in

Sylvia to get in contact with the governor of Naporia for

Galecrest from its roots.

in,” answered

her head. “Yes,

middle–aged man in a dashing suit soon came into

politely introduced himself. “Greetings, Lord Caspian. I’m the governor of Naporia, Irwin

in respect at

identity and realized that his mere title as the governor of Naporia was nothing

man before him was none other than the Diatoranian God of

couldn’t afford to display any disrespectful

man known as the Diatoranian God of


you know why I’ve called you

already briefed me about the details. I believe Lord Caspian wishes for the eradication of Galecrest,

not known about all the major players within

their activities.

anything with Galecrest running

skilled fighters that he could

a ray of hope in achieving the impossible in the man who was the Diatoranian

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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