Chapter 275 One On One

Both sides were locked in intense combat.

“A report for Mr. Lynch! We’ve defeated the first batch of fighters from Galecrest!”

“A report for Mr. Lynch! We’re breaking into the headquarters!”


The soldiers‘ morale grew as news of their successful attack was being announced to Caspian one by one.

“It’s time to go all–out, Mr. Lynch! We can finally defeat Galecrest right here and now!”

Melvin and the heads of the Eight Noble Lineages looked at Caspian with anticipation.

They were all eagerly awaiting his orders for the final attack.

Caspian, however, seemed bored, as if dealing with Galecrest was just a simple matter that wasn’t worth his full attention.

He stared at the Galecrest’s headquarters and coldly exclaimed, “Let’s go have a talk with Cole.

The men were elated as they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

They all followed behind Caspian as they walked into Galecrest’s headquarters.

The building was no longer intact as it faced its worst attack yet.

The morale of the men from Galecrest was at its lowest.

They realized they couldn’t possibly fend off such a huge amount of attackers.

“Sir, we can’t hold on much longer!”

“What are your orders, sir? We can’t possibly continue losing our men like this!”

“We should retreat and escape, sir! It’s still possible right now!”

The crowd within the headquarters was panicking.

They discussed their next course of action as they had lost all morale and reason to fight.

They wanted to flee as they were worried about what would happen if they were caught.

Cole remained seated on his throne as his expression turned for the worse.

The amount of time it took for Galecrest to be defeated was way faster than he had expected.

lost almost all his men


just couldn’t fight against such a huge

finally stood up and

instantly fell

and didn’t dare to speak

running away. That’s not something we would ever do.

Everyone’s expressions immediately sank.

a carefree life under the protection of

they now realized that

death, they couldn’t possibly go

into Galecrest headquarters was littered with

view every time the men took a single


a road paved

Eight Noble Lineages were getting goosebumps all

was filled with nothing but the smell

straight ahead as if he had

had indeed seen an even worse sight, where casualties would


respect Caspian for being able to

more curious

also gotten more afraid

the Boulder Plaza in front

soldiers locked in combat

piling up as Galecrest’s men tried to


wanted to escape from the battlefield. Even they could tell that they were


master of Galecrest is

out from Galecrest headquarters while

behind him, along

the alliance, is here!” Melvin announced Caspian’s presence in response as they walked up to the center of

two figureheads stared at each other with immense killing intent

gritted his teeth

“It’s been

you want to eradicate Galecrest, Caspian? What

a chance to surrender,

telling me to

were locked in a

never once thought about surrendering as

around you, Cole. The entirety of Veiled Dragon Bay is painted red with men’s blood.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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