Chapter 278 The Kane Family from Dhord City

Everybody was taken by surprise by the scene unfolding in front of them.

What just happened?

Why were there suddenly more than a dozen helicopters in the sky?

Could it be Caspian who sent them? Or maybe it was the governor of Naporia?

Everyone looked toward Caspian. They assumed that it was him who had sent the helicopters.

However, Caspian had a frown on his face. Getting rid of Galecrest was a simple task. There

was no need for him to summon more of his soldiers.

That could only mean that these helicopters were…

Cole suddenly laughed out loud.

“I told you. You can’t kill me, Caspian! Do you see it now? My reinforcements have arrived!” Cole suddenly roared with laughter.

Cole was exhilarated. His reinforcements arrived just in time.

The aircraft hovered in the night sky.

Then, more than a dozen rope ladders were seen lowered from the helicopters.

One by one, men clad in black climbed down the ladder and gathered on the ground.

These men had an imposing presence. Each of them looked exceptionally skilled. At a glance, one could easily tell that they were martial arts fighters.

There was an elderly man in one of the helicopters. He had a stern expression, and his piercing eyes scrutinized the entire plaza.

What he did next shocked everyone.

The elderly man shouted loudly before jumping off the helicopter. It was a few meters high!

He landed with a dull thud.

The elderly man stood on the ground firmly. Having witnessed this scene, everyone was flabbergasted.

He was definitely not an ordinary person. He had to be trained in martial arts.

However, Caspian remained indifferent and silent.

So what if Cole’s reinforcements came?


“The master of Galecrest hails Alfred Kane!” Cole announced deferentially as he rushed over to greet Alfred.

happened?” Alfred asked

and Celestial Sanctum to besiege us. Galecrest is in a

know such a person existed in

alliance, but his real identity is the matrilocal son–in- law of the Stewart Family

Alfred guffawed.

it from Cole, he would have never believed that a matrilocal son–in–law. could bring down the entire

reluctant to come to Naporia. However, he


this. Just follow me back to Dhord City,” Alfred said

me to give up on Galecrest

already been destroyed? Let’s just leave!” Cole said in a frustrated

thinking of reconquering Naporia. However, he was already at

no way that

suffered a disastrous defeat, it

nodded as he hastened his steps to

said as he

me?” Alfred said

leader of the alliance Cole mentioned!” Caspian said, still with a smile

Alfred laughed.

a joke! A rabble is what you are, and yet you dare call


even know who I am? I am Alfred Kane, protector of the Kane family from Dhord City!

after finishing his

Aster and Avery heard the mention of the

who the Kane family is?” Caspian asked Sylvia,

acquainted with the influential families of Dhord City. However, he

elite family in

Caspian nodded.

was nothing compared to such a family from Dhord

able to

their power.

already a testament to

Dhord City was full of talented people. The York family from before was


Kane family was relatively

even the elite families would have to bow


can’t take Cole away. He has to stay here to

Who do you think you are to boss me around? If anyone dares to stop me today, I

his true identity, but Caspian was

have a death

Governor of Naporia. Cole has been


to stay in Naporia to receive the punishments he deserves!”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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