Chapter 277 Rather Dead Than Humiliated


No matter how strong Caspian was, there was no way he could defend himself against armed guards!

However, what happened next shocked everyone.

Irwin walked up to Caspian with hastened steps.

th a bow, he e

Caspian, “Hail the Diator–hail Mr. Lynch!”

Irwin almost let his tongue slip and gave Capsian’s identity away. Sylvia had specifically told him not to expose Caspian’s identity in public.

“There’s no need for such formalities,” Caspian said as he looked at Irwin briefly.

“Thank you, Mr. Lynch!” Irwin said as he lifted his head.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Caspian’s superior attitude toward Irwin.

Why would Irwin, the governor of Naporia, bow to Caspian?

What was Caspian’s true identity?

Was he really a matrilocal son–in–law from Southlake City?

Everyone began suspecting Caspian’s true identity. They could not see through him.

It was inconceivable that the governor of Naporia would bow to Caspian.

It did not matter what Caspian’s true identity was.

To Melvin and those acquainted with him, the stronger Caspian’s background was, the happier they were.

This was because they were now all on Caspian’s side.

All the leaders of the Eight Noble Lineages looked happy as well.

To them, victory was something that was already set in stone.

On the other hand, the men of Galecrest looked dismayed.

They had initially wanted to resist until the end. However, they completely lost all confidence

when they saw the governor of Naporia being submissive to Caspian.

Cole’s face was ashen. He never expected that Irwin would be subservient to Caspian.

the end for

Cole was devastated.


all rise now,” Irwin said in a serious tone as he looked

And so they did.

walked over to stand next to Caspian, not daring to

not know Caspian’s true

no authority to speak

chest and partially knelt on the ground. At that moment, he


“What am I

then jested, “Could it be that you

speak to Mr. Lynch in that tone?” Irwin came forward

men then raised their firearms


how powerful they were, they could not fight against those who were

his men just remained on

to join in. The situation was clear as day–Galecrest no longer had any chance of making

fact that I’m able to become the master of Galecrest means that I’m not someone who

could not accept his

days and yet he had

master of Galecrest, you’ve been imperious in Naporia. You’ve long been the subject of detestation among the

punishment you deserve. If you stop resisting and surrender immediately, we

the entire

waiting for Cole


was absolutely no way for him to

had gotten involved, Galecrest would undoubtedly

everyone’s surprise, Cole laughed out loud as he looked at the

me leniency? You must

redeem myself after all that I’ve done! Asking me to surrender is

he became the master of Galecrest, he had committed

He would never surrender!


and said, insist on being so stubborn,

Caspian waved his hand.

forces soldiers surrounded him

I surrender!” one of Galecrest’s men

heard this, more of Galecrest’s

I’ve already

“I surrender.”

one, all of Galecrest’s men placed their hands above

ammunition, they all lost the desire to resist. They could only surrender. Otherwise, they would

bunch of useless garbage! Why does Galecrest have spineless cowards like you? So what if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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