Willow was dumbfounded,

She wondered if Kristian’s mind was addled in some way. Why did he suddenly make such a proposition to her?

In fact, she was disgusted by the sight of him.

“What on earth are you saying? My husband’s standing right here!” Willow snapped as she scooted closer to Caspian.

“What? Who’s your husband? Him? Look at him, he’s such a poor loser. He’s not good enough for you!” Kristian snorted. “If you become my lover, I’ll buy this gown for you!”

Everyone in the bridal boutique was flabbergasted.

Was there something wrong with Kristian?

Why was he still stirring up trouble after getting hit so badly?

“If you agree to be my lover, I’ll give you 500 thousand every month as your allowance. How about it?” Kristian offered as he stared at Willow with a sleazy grin.

He figured money was all it took to get what he wanted.

Having fooled around with countless women, he had seen his fair share of beautiful women with conservative beliefs, but they all succumbed to money eventually.

Every single one of them ended up moaning beneath him….

Kristian thought Willow would be one of them too.

“Why, you!” Willow fumed. She could not believe the nonsense coming out of Kristian’s


She was not going to sell herself for a few hundred thousand. In any case, as the CEO of Southlake Corporation, she had more than enough money.

“You’re asking for it!”

A hand slammed against Kristian’s face.

Kristian held his aching cheek with a look of shock.

He glowered at Caspian.

Everyone else in the bridal boutique was stunned too as they wondered who Caspian was.

He was bold enough to hit Kristian twice!


finger at Caspian and screamed, “Got a death wish, fucker? How dare

you deserve

such depraved things to my wife

You think I’m invisible?” Caspian retorted

Kristian brought it upon himself

going to fuck you up today! No one in Sealand dares

Caspian. He, a son of the Jennings family,

was determined to seek

Caspian smirked in derision.

his hand and slapped Kristian once more. This time, he did

flew several feet backward

of blood, and out with it came a few of

again, the crowd of onlookers

slowly climbed

bastard? You won’t be getting out of Sealand alive!”

clearly visible on

or I’ll make you


Caspian multiple times, he

You may be all high and mighty now, but just you wait. I’ll get you

around any longer, he

stunned. She did not expect

Caspian took out his Golden Dragon card

of course!” the owner replied with a nod as she took the


shop assistants wrapped up the gown

underestimated Caspian earlier


now, she was terrified. Someone who dared to hit a person like Kristian had

Caspian’s card shocked her. It was unlike any card she had ever seen before, but she could already tell it had to be an extremely

a million–dollar gown

kind of a person would be rich enough to own such

wealthy playboy in Sealand. I think you and your wife should leave right away. If you stay here, he’ll definitely get people to come after you,” the boutique

you’re making them sound?” Caspian

owner quietly stated, “The Jenningses run Sealand like a bunch of tyrants. Anyone who wishes to settle

this rule, the Jenningses will find ways

nothing. He simply led Willow

tell me about. it?” Willow asked puzzledly after seeing the


as a general officer in the army, right? The money is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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