Chapter 292 Emboldened by Lust

“Who in Sealand would dare hit you?” Billy asked in shock.



“I’m guessing they’re not locals,” Kristian replied, still fuming. “I told them who I was, but that man…”

He gave Billy a summary of what happened.

“Let me take revenge on your behalf, Kristian. I’ll teach them a lesson!” Billy declared with at


The next day, Rebecca’s photoshoot took place at Sterling Bay.

It was Sealand’s most pristine beach. With blue skies and clear waters, it was indeed the most famous beach location in the area.

enery. One

Just by standing there and taking in the would feel at peace.

Starsphere Media was put in charge of producing the promotional material, and as the man in charge of the company, Keller had come to Sealand as well.

Soon, he and the other employees finished setting up for the photoshoot.

“The scenery here is beautiful. Once you’re done shooting for the promotional material, Willow and I will have our belated wedding photoshoot here,” Caspian said to Keller.

“Got it, Mr. Lynch!” Keller responded with a nod and a smile.

After giving the instructions, Caspian led Willow over to a lounge chair on the beach. They both lay down on it.

Caspian could feel the wind against his skin and hear the waves crashing on the shore. As he held Willow in his arms, he felt as if he had reached the pinnacle of life.

Amid his enjoyment, he heard a shout.

“We’re taking photos here. Get the hell out of our way!”

A group of burly men approached.

They all bore ferocious expressions. It was obvious from their mannerisms that they were not

to be messed with.

setting up for our photoshoot yesterday! Since we got

selected the spot last night. Early this morning, Keller brought the staff


capture the best photos.

out of the blue, a bunch of people came

a problem with that? Scram! If you don’t, I’ll knock out all your teeth!” the bald man in the lead retorted as he

here first. What

head of Starsphere Media, he wasn’t

company’s celebrities during their work schedules. How could he possibly hold

you what it means to

“What do

to start a

for a long time now. He even checked the weather to ensure nothing would go

know what

rushed forward to attack

think you’re doing?” Keller

these people? What gave them the

was filled with tourists. Were these hooligans

not notice the bald man coming at him. The bald

sputtered as sand got

us for this spot? I told you to scram, didn’t I? Get the hell out of here! If you waste any more time, I’ll

Keller another

felt as if he had a few

out icily as he


men abruptly froze as the bald

as well as the

bald man stared lustily at the women. He had fooled around with plenty of women, but compared to these two, all of those he had

bald man felt an

gorgeous women here. He

out in discontent as he endured the pain and

fault. I’ll handle this pesky fly!” Caspian said while patting Keller gently on the

bald man. It felt as if

you calling a pesky fly, huh? Anyone who wants to do any kind of photoshoot here has to get our approval first and pay

replied, “You hurt my people, and some of the equipment has

asking me to compensate you? You must have a fucking death wish!” The


bald man raised his

grinning smugly as he threw his weight

of his subordinates

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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