Serena's POV:

My body was slowly getting numb from all the pain, but I was starting to feel dizzy.

The world around me began to spin.

Right before I fainted, the last thing I remembered was faintly hearing Peter's voice.

He sounded so angry, and it made me feel safe to know that he was defending me.

What did he say? "Hey, you! Stay the fuck away from my mate!"

Did he say...mate? I wanted so bad to ask him about it, but by that time I was completely out of strength.I couldn't even open my mouth.My eyelids felt heavier by the minute, and finally I blacked out.

"Kneel, bitch!" The merciless voice of the slave trader rang in my head.

I was startled out of my sleep and instinctively opened my eyes, but there was no slave trader before me.

A sigh of relief escaped from my lips.

It was only a dream.

Even though the slave training only lasted a few days, it was more than enough to traumatize me.

I suddenly realized that I was lying in an unfamiliar room.

The room looked very clean.

A beautiful landscape painting hung on the pink wall, and behind the door was a pot of fresh greenery.

The bed was really comfortable, and the quilt was soft to the touch.

The sterile smell of disinfectant filled my nose.

There was also no pain in my body anymore.

Did I die? Was I in heaven? I turned to my side and spotted several medical devices connected to me.

An oxygen mask was attached to my face.

I looked down at my right hand, which was connected to an IV bag.

Near my feet at the edge of the bed, a man was sleeping soundly.

It was Peter.Not so far away was a couch.He could have slept there.

Why would he choose to sleep here instead? Falling asleep in such a position would have been so uncomfortable.

He used his toned arms as a pillow for his head.

His face was turned to me, as if he had been watching me.

I stared at his face for a long time, admiring his long eyelashes the most.

He really was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen.

Molly suddenly became restless in my mind.

"Molly, what is it?"


you talking

"Our mate.That's him."

Peter? There must be some kind of mistake.He's the


and suddenly, I began to feel a little

scent had filled my lungs and I couldn't get

reaction to it as I was feeling

became even more

you know what happened after I passed out

she-wolves a lesson

Molly was also affected by all the pain and suffering

to stay conscious even

her memory, Peter immediately carried me into his luxury

checked me into the hospital to

Wait a minute.

that my

hadn't killed

brought me to

was his mate?  I realized I wouldn't be able to run away



even if he would

my thoughts

His gaze met mine.


sat up and smiled at

attempted to sit

small stabbing pains spread all over

broken ribs.They're

the side of my bed and cranked the

my pillow to make it more comfortable

you feeling

treat me this way? Weren't you supposed to


supposed to happen.But

were such

wolf tell you anything just


can I kill you now? I only found out

my heart beat faster and faster, as I stared blankly

me just two days ago,

trying to play tricks on me? "But have you

I could finish my words, Peter held

it's okay.I will take care of it.Now, all you need

up my free hand and

my body when his


man for a few days, and yet he could

someone knocked on

beautiful girls entered carrying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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