Teeth, tongues, lips, coming together of a rather aggressive game of tonsil tennis as his hands slide up my body and I wrap my legs around his waist. Moaning quietly with the way he ignites every nerve ending in me. Body tingling and on fire within seconds as I rub myself against the button and rough zip on his trousers, pushing myself into a fevered frenzy of longing.
There is no real foreplay, just a sudden need to consummate our passion right here and now and I reach down and unbutton him so he can spring free from the confines of fabric. Alexi feels me out, probing my warmth with his fingers, finding me wet and willing and doesn’t waste time on formalities.
He slides into me soon as he leans back over me and presses down on me as he does so, so our bodies fit snugly and muffle my moans of pleasure as they overtake me. Snug as a hand in a glove, he fills me up in the best kind of way, spreading that pulsating, gorgeously good feeling up through my pelvis and into my abdomen as he starts fucking me on his mother’s desk. My wild one unleashed and doing what he does best. Untamed in all his glory and a little feral mating.
When I groan, he puts a hand over my mouth to silence me and earns himself a bite and a grin. His mouth coming to my throat, my hands tangling in his thick dark hair as we get lost in the motion of a quick release.
I lift my pelvis to him and encourage faster stiffer strokes, hard screwing for a fast climax and don’t worry at all about skill. This is to satisfy a craving and a short quickie to pass the time while being stuck in here. I don’t care about the execution as long as I have him inside me, joined to me intimately. I feel whole when Alexi and I are having sex. Nothing compares to having him all over me, possessing me and making me his all over again.
It’s only moments of sheer bliss, him grinding on top of me as I try my hardest to keep quiet, mumbling quietly, clawing his neck half to death with my talon sharp nails as heat and ecstasy ride up in waves from my pelvis, and I close my eyes to savour every minute of defilement of this bitch’s desk. So close to climax even though he has barely worked me up to it. I guess delayed pleasure and waiting all day has helped the process.
“Alessandro!” There’s a harsh yell, and I thrust my eyes open, snapping my head to the left where the blinding light of the open doorway startles us to stop. Alexi turns too, and I’m too busy staring at the shocked, angry expression of bitch-faced Mama Carrero gawping at us in horror while holding a gift-wrapped box that I don’t even see what his reaction is. My insides clench, my stomach lurches, and my first reaction is to burst into a snorting laugh. Completely inappropriate but somehow not. I stifle the urge to laugh, seeing as I’m lying flat on her precious thousand-dollar desk, my dress up around my waist and my legs wrapped around her son while his trousers and boxers are down by his knees.
“Shit.” It’s a low rumbling hiss under his breath before he sinks his face down on my shoulder and lets out a slow groan while pulling out of me. It’s a bit of a ‘fuck my life’, and I have to slap a hand over my mouth to stifle the laugh that decides to continue coming out of me.
Yes, I’m amused that she walked in, it’s even better than I hoped for.
She stands stock still and he has to fumble with himself and his clothes while still against me, so she doesn’t get a full-on pornographic eyeful. She doesn’t seem to have any intention of looking away either. He pulls away dragging my dress down with him to cover my modesty and I barely move to help him. Not caring one iota if she sees me nude.
I stay for a moment, with eyes fixed on her, locked in a battle of snarled hatred and make unhurried, deliberate movements to cover myself in my position. Alexi sliding me off the desk to my feet, as I’m not doing it, and he turns away to button his trousers properly.
No one talks while we return everything to decent. I continue to look her way with a satisfied, smug expression, hoping to convey how unperturbed I am by her interruption. I feel like a sassy cat sharpening its claws in readiness for a territorial battle. I just marked my territory by pissing on her lawn.
“What on earth do you think you are doing? Defiling my room with this trash!” She slaps on an overhead light and storms into the room fully, pulling the door shut behind her in case anyone catches a whiff of what is going on. I presume that would be worse than death for her, to have this little shameful scene on show.
Alexi rights himself and turns back to face her, stony expression, no hint of anything, and I really have not an ounce of remorse. I don’t know what I was expecting from him if she caught us, maybe remorse or an apology, but he seems to have gone the opposite way. Alexi is in full-blown hostile defiance, and I wonder if this was the face he wore whenever she caught him being naughty as a kid.
He reacts to conflict in aggressive ways; maybe if she hadn’t insulted me and had a go at discovering us, he would handle this a whole lot differently, but she has pushed his ‘fuck’ and ‘you’ and ‘die’ button. Awoken his prick mode, and good luck with that. Even I know the only way around this version of him, is to breathe, calm down and back off, and come back at him with gentle handling. Even if he is in the wrong.
Softly softly wins the war with Lexi baby.
She clearly never learned that lesson in his entire life.
I’m kind of glad she caught us and hope she has to burn the desk, forever picturing Alexi fucking his hooker wife every time she comes in here. It’s wonderful.
“Avoiding you.” He points out dryly and I flick a sideways glance at him. Waiting for the apology because I know he didn’t want to do this in here; there must be some semblance of shame inside him for crossing a boundary in his mother’s study. He looks closed off and still, like the scary predator he can be, and I simmer a little, trying to feel him out.
“This is who she is pushing you to be? This slut encouraging this kind of filthy behaviour in my house and ….”
“OUR house. Do you forget I was both born and raised here, and this room used to be the place you locked me in anytime I was bad? Do you remember that? Sending me in here for hours on end to think about my behaviour, in the dark, because you told me you didn’t want to lay eyes on something as flawed as me. As for my trashy wife pushing me, did she look like she was the one being dominating on your desk? I have a mind of my own and march to no one’s beat but mine. Did you learn nothing from a lifetime of knowing me?” Lexi’s tone completely changes, and I blink at him in surprise, not only for him taking blame for what I obviously orchestrated, but also looking around the room once more and trying to picture using it as a den of punishment when he was a child.
Locking him away, making him feel isolated.
And why in the dark? What kind of cruelty is that?
This room is pitch black even in the day, so I cannot imagine how a little boy would feel being locked in here and told he was not allowed a light on. I wonder if it’s why he never has the rooms in complete darkness at home. He always has low lights on. He has them everywhere and on a timer, so soon as it gets dark, they come on to create peaceful glows, and the apartments are rarely dark. It never dawned on me before how he never has complete darkness, ever.
The bitch scarred him.
“What did I ever do to deserve a son like you?” She almost spits it at him, smashing down the boxed gift on a side unit, startling me so I jump in fright and almost lose my heart through my mouth. She flies back around to face us, snarling, hating the very sight of us; I just cross my arms across my boobs, pushing them up and jut my hip out as I face her with attitude. Complete bitch mode incited, and I take on that good old catty stance of a girl who’s not about to take any shit from anyone, least of all her.
ever do to deserve a mother like you? From where I’m standing the only one who deserves to be locked in a dark room is the arsehole in front of me.” I snort in repulsion at the rancid woman, and she almost breaks her neck whipping around to glare at me. Our eyes lock and the tension
doesn’t want this scene to pan out. He’s done and he just wants to leave before he snaps. I can feel him brimming with that restless negative energy that’s usually followed by sadistic behaviour and I relent, knowing he is trying to rein himself in. My need to protect him overwhelms me, and I know getting him out and away from her is what he needs.
to leave while she has a bone to pick. I can imagine the bully she was when he was a child as she stands there trying to intimidate us, forgetting she is the shortest one here. If I was a lesser woman, I would find her terrifying,
Are we your prisoners now, dahling? Going to spank our bums? I might like it, so go ahead.” I chuckle at the stupidity of the woman and shove her hand off by leaning down and tugging her wrist away without a care for her reaction. She’s small and thin and I’m sure
when I let go. Lurching back, grasping her hand and gasping dramatically, eyes widening as she
to respond. While I’m busy self-imploding to explosive lava proportions, Alexi spins me out of the way so he
little lie of existence in peace and safety. You ever disrespect me or my wife again, I will show you exactly what kind of son you deserve. I have held my tongue for over thirty years, and I’m done playing your games. Don’t piss me off, you won’t like the side of me I have kept hidden out of respect for you, Mama; that side will give you nightmares no one can save you from! Trust me, there’s a side of me I have protected you from, and I have no qualms about showing it to you now!”
one vital mistake—she underestimated that he snaps for me and won’t take any shit when it comes to his wife. She pushed
in him, and it might make her rethink how lucky she has been to have him trying to win her love for
distance and silence and put her in her fucking place. As the head of his family, she owes him respect at the
so maybe now she realises she shouldn’t fuck with Alexi either. Like father like son, only a hundred times deadlier, and with no depth of husbandly love to save her from his wrath. She was never a mother to him and maybe now she will figure out that would have been the only thing to have
Genuinely afraid of him probably for the first time in her life. I should feel smug at this point, but I don’t. I feel saddened that when he calms down, he will replay this in his head, regret it and have a pretty deep emotional reaction to how he was with her. Under all that cold is a heart that is easy
for pushing
Waiting with no hint of expression anymore. Closed up tight and retreating into his head until we get out of here. I perk up, paste a
Mum, see you for Christmas dinner.” I wink and blow her a kiss, sarcasm dripping and smile when she practically swallows her own pinched and pursed lips. The look on her face is
wank of
side, saying nothing else. He doesn’t look back, doesn’t utter a goodbye, just takes my arm and leads us out into the kitchen before pulling me silently through the house to get out of
that scene behind us and I hope his last ounces
and take a minute.” Alexi smacks my arse saucily as we walk in the front door of his house and sends me trotting across the floor in bare feet. He has my shoes in his hand after I discarded them in the car and tosses them onto the hall chair, watching me wriggle away suggestively towards the stairs. Smiling his way and winking at him because
throw it off, so it doesn’t follow us for the rest of our day. I can almost bet he needs a few minutes of headspace, to down something strong and
his sexual appetite with her nonsense. I so badly needed that damn orgasm I have been chasing all day. I feel so uptight and antsy with all these false starts
No babies—thank God.
time meeting
being a sanctimonious abusive
over him though, in a very anticlimactic way, nevertheless, it happened. Something in him shifted at that moment and I don’t doubt she will tread carefully with him in the future, now she has seen hints of what he has always tried
and she might realise that when it all calms down. He is his father’s son and she must have known that one day, the time would come when her power over him died at his own hands because he holds so much more than she does. He could crush her effortlessly. Even though I know he wouldn’t. She has no idea how lucky she is that he cares about her, even if it’s a misplaced love she in no way deserves. Alexi could have made her life hell all these years, but he did the opposite and tried to be what she wanted in him, on paper anyway. He can stop pretending now; I love him, and she either accepts it or leaves him the hell alone. She'll have me to deal with should this shit continue, and I won’t hold
I'll put all my clothes back on and watch daytime TV. You snooze you lose, bad boy.” I wink back at him, bringing humour to the atmosphere and willing him to be okay. I feel guilty now we aren’t there anymore and have deep remorse for putting him in a position for that kind of outcome.
Sounds familiar.
to appease her. I have more sway over him, and things will
good way to relieve stress and a pick me up to how wretched he must be feeling. I hold the key to making it all better
already darting up the stairs so I
him in terms of his needs. More specifically, Alexi’s lack of kinky sex, bondage and such, since we got together. I know he took it off the table because of how I am with it, but I know
his skills from his
mile for him whenever he needs me to. He has changed so much for me, so I should, and will manage my hang-ups for the occasional BDSM themed night of passion. I trust him not to put me in a position where I’m traumatised. He knows my worst and he won’t cross
for sexy underwear, suspenders and such, and something we could use in a very gentle
about control and restraint. I can live with that if it’s him. I love him enough to try, and then when I’ve done it once, it can be something we visit from time to time when he wants
I love him that much and I want
on red lingerie in sexy lace and matching suspenders; completely focused on what I’m doing and pushing fear aside. Aware he won’t be long, so I’m being speedy. Fishnet stockings and red stilettoes. Hair pulled up into a messy updo and I retouch my makeup with a sultry smoky eye and my devil-red lips I had neglected to put on for lunch at his mother’s when opting for a toned-down shade. Alexi likes this colour on me. I’m
a once over, hands beginning to tremble as I take in the sultry, seductive goddess before me. She looks confident and capable and in no way quaking internally with a dry mouth and pounding heart rate. Sex Queen from head to toe. I pull out the long leather belts I had to rummage in Alexi’s case for when looking for suitable restraints. They’re not ideal
decision that will take extra will power to carry out. The thought of it makes my hair stand on end and I get goosebumps all over in dreaded anticipation. I feel like my body goes limp and weak and my blood runs cold at what I’m about to
to keep myself calm and immerse myself in the faith I have in him. The importance of this for me is to show him I trust him. He has taken so many huge steps for us and I need to show him I’m willing to do the same. I’m willing to put my fears aside and give him one of his biggest desires to make him happy too. I know he
of footsteps on the stairs and panic, haphazardly throwing the suitcases off the bed and kicking them to one side neatly. Running to pull the blind so the room is in semi-darkness, and quickly light the array of candles I collected from all over the room to sit along the vanity to create a low sultry ambience. I press my phone for the soothing music to play over the Bluetooth surround sound system just as Alexi walks into the bedroom and catches sight of me standing with my hands behind my back, concealing the two belts I have
to look at him and remind myself that I’d die for
in the doorway as his vision adjusts to the lower light and I can see the shining glints of his eyes as they travel up my body from feet to face. Taking me in, scanning the room as he
romantic?” he asks huskily, lust consuming him as soon as he lays eyes on my outfit. The way he slowly gazes over me again, lingering on my breasts tells
Update Chapter 186 of The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) by L.T.Marshall
With the author's famous The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) series authorName that makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 186 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) series are available today.
Key: The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Chapter 186