The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Doctor Shant

Over seven years passed.

At Warlington Hospital, Operating Room 1.

“Scalpel,” the woman said in a blue scrub. She had a surgical loupe on as her eyes narrowed at the patient’s chest.

She cut through the skin without hesitation.

Everyone watched and aided the great chief surgeon of Warlington Hospital, resuming the incision and cutting through the chest.


That day, the doctor, who had become

famous in just a year for her success rate in

chest surgeries, had two unexpected back-to -back operations. Two hours ago, she

removed a patient’s damaged lung tissue. Now, on her second, she was performing an- open heart surgery on a patient with a ruptured aortic aneurysm.

It was a life-threatening situation, and the chief surgeon could not put off the surgery

for later.

The patient was hooked into a machine, temporarily doing the job of his heart, while the excellent doctor proceeded with the


The female surgeon inserted a Dacron graft tube, replacing the ruptured aorta.


The doctor continued to stitch the new tube,

tightening the aortic valve that had gone

loose. Next, the same doctor sewed together

the arteries. It took an additional hour for all the stitches to be completed. Only then did the team within the operating room awaken the heart by shocking it.

After testing the heart and observing the patient’s vital signs, the doctor and her team began to close up the patient’s chest.

“Great job Doctor Shant. Another successful surgery!” The anesthesiologist said.

“We are proud of you, Doctor Sant! Another life saved!” An assistant doctor declared.

The hospital’s chief surgeon was none other than Shantelle Scott, whom everyone called

as Doctor Shant.

“Thank you, everyone. It’s a long day today. You have all worked very hard,” Shantelle said with a smile. “It’s time for me to get

some sleep.”

of the operating



her words of praise, and even as she still wore her scrub uniform, the family members of the patient did not

savior from heaven!” The patient’s

Shantelle swell with

little girl, “I’m glad I was able to help. You take care of


Shan!” The girl gave a salute before


the surrounding staff, she made her way to the office, where

for her with

bouquet of roses.

surgery, adding to your success rate, and the more this hospital will become widely known as the best facility for heart patients,” Keith Henderson said

Keith. She said, “Thank


stopped schooling for one semester. However,

burned her brows

fully cared for her son during the day

that her father was already a heart surgeon. Doctor Scott gave Shantelle full access to his operations, crediting it to her medical experience. Furthermore, she

thoracic surgery,

or surgical care for coronary artery disease, lung cancers, esophagus, and chest wall. Abnormalities of the

brings you here? Aren’t you going

Shantelle asked.

put it off a day later and fly up here.” A hiss left Keith’s lips as he said, “I’ll be gone for a month, and I still need to

and added, “So I decided to have dinner with you and Lucas

Busy Mister CEO,” Shantelle remarked with

MedCare is

insurance company for over two years. It kept him very busy, but he always made it a point to


Chapter 3: Doctor Shant

today. I’m exhausted, but we could have dinner at

miss the little guy. I have a gift for him


turned to Eleanor and said,

bed at night was surprising. It was always busy at the

surgeries came in

Her hands stretched to embrace her six-year-old son. “I miss

son up and pecked his cheek. She spun him around and tickled his sides. She announced, “I love you.

her son on the floor, she

love my Lucas.”

chuckled and answered, “I


you,” Shantelle revealed. She moved away from the door, and Keith walked in, carrying a


jumped for joy, seeing that he


boy quickly opened the gift and found a new polaroid camera.

You are

laughed and made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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