The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Evan’s Number One Rule

“Mommy, who do I look like?” Lucas repeated.

“Who else do you look like? You are the one and only most handsome kid in Warlington International School, Lucas Scott!” It was Keith who replied. “Sometimes, you don’t have a look-alike because you are simply unique.”

“Come on, tell me. Who is the hottest kid on the block?” Keith added.

Lucas wound up chuckling. He said, “Silly uncle, Keith,”

Keith kept at it, complimenting Lucas and pointing out his unique qualities that the boy’s initial inquiry had been forgotten.

From across Keith, Shantelle mouthed, ‘Thank you.’

The Scotts had a lovely dinner with Keith. Eleanor offered to wash Lucas for the evening while Shantelle had a brief chat with Keith on the patio of their home.

They were both drinking tea when Keith noticed Shantelle’s silence. She acknowledged his words but was looking distantly.

“Are you thinking about telling Lucas who he looks like?” Keith asked.

Shantelle hummed as she massaged the back of her neck. She sipped her hot tea and gently put the cup on the table. She said, “Oh, god. It’s gotten so complicated. I don’t know the easier way to deal with this.” She had thought about it shortly after giving birth to Lucas, but over time, Shantelle had drowned herself in her studies and doctor’s fellowship program, and the idea kept slipping away. When she finally had her residency, her time became more constrained.

Her time as a doctor was valuable, and adding Evan into the equation was another potential strain she did not want to handle. Unfortunately, it was different now. Lucas was becoming more aware of the absence of a father. ‘What am I going to do?”

She sighed and suggested, “If I tell Evan, he may come here and find out about you”

“Right, or he may not care entirely,” Keith suggested.

Shantelle fell silent. She gave no facial reaction to suggest how she felt about Keith’s statement, but she replied, “Right. That would make things a whole lot easier.”

“Shanty,” Keith said. He leaned closer and looked into her eyes. “I’ve been with you – supported you throughout your endeavors – you and Lucas, and I will continue to do the same. No matter what happens, I will be here for you.”

He gasped and said, “But you know how I feel about you, right? Will you ever give me a chance to be with you? Don’t I have a place in your heart other than just being your friend?” a

Shantelle blinked. It wasn’t the first time Keith had brought up his feelings for her. It wasn’t the second. time, either. Apparently, she was the same person Keith had been in love with all these years. Talk about the irony of love.

have to consider his feelings. After the experience with Evan, she had long understood that love could not be forced. Shantelle could not

great person, and I thank you for all the help you have

put her hand where her heart was and explained, “However, I had promised myself to

else. I love my parents, naturally. I care for you as a friend,

me from achieving my goals in life.” She smiled and said. “You could say I am committed

don’t hate me,” Shantelle said. “But someone else deserves your love. It isn’t

cold-hearted,” Keith remarked playfully. He ran his hand against his chest and suggested, “You are missing out on the good

always found a way to turn the situation around. She chuckled and answered,

Lucas came out onto the

to bed.

going? Can I borrow your phone? I want to show mommy the game I installed on your phone?” Lucas

recalled before he fished for

want to install this game on my tablet,” Lucas said while showing

It always required a passcode, one that only

and said, “Sure, I’ll install it. Good choice. Widen your knowledge. Return the phone to your

that he carelessly returned Keith’s phone by throwing it

Keith’s hand, it landed on an open pitcher of water the maid had earlier set, in case Keith and Shantelle needed any. The phone sank to the very bottom of

Keith’s eyes widened.

Shantelle’s heart raced.

with his hand and fished the

Shantelle ordered the maid to fetch a towel and a hair dryer. After


sim card into her phone, but

my tablet instead.” Poor Lucas was

Keith called Lucas and soothed his back, saying, “I can

phone had vital contact information, which he could not immediately get a hold of now since he was traveling to Europe

it’s that easy?”

a mess of Lucas’ hair and said, “So don’t feel sad. I will get a new phone, but uncle

first walked Keith out

traveling around the country,” Keith reasoned. “But after today, I probably will. I will call my assistant to request a new

Keith,” Shantelle said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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