The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Melody? Or Nicole!

Melody’s hair was back to its rich dark brown color. She had carelessly cut her hair and wore sunglasses despite leaving in the middle of the night. She wore a jacket and a hoodie over her head.

From that night onwards, she was no longer Nicole Lively. She was back to being Melody Campbell.

She settled at the back of their car while her father, Thomas Campbell, drove to the exit of the private community.

This was their chance to escape.

“At least this time, with your hair changed back, they won’t look into you closely,” her father suggested.

True enough, when they arrived at the nearest checkpoint, presented with Melody’s old school ID, a mere birth certificate, the police did not look into the car closely. They simply asked Melody to roll down the car window, and seeing her dark–colored hair; the police returned to his post.

“I think they bought it,” Melody said nervously.

The officer who took their identification was speaking through a radio transceiver from a distance. After some time, the same officer approached their vehicle and returned their ID. He asked, “Why does Melody not have a valid ID?”

“We lost it when we arrived,” Thomas Campbell replied. “We are going to get her new ones.” “I see,” the police officer replied. “And where are you headed to at this night?”

“Um.. we are driving early to the next state,” Thomas replied. “We are meeting some friends there.”

Next, the police officer’s radio called him in. He had to step aside and exchange with whoever was commanding him. “Yes, sir. Got it.”

When he returned to Thomas and Melody, the police said, “You may now… leave.” He smiled, but to Thomas, the way the officer smiled appeared to have a meaning behind it.

Still, Thomas was relieved. He hurriedly drove off to the main road. “We got out. There may still be another checkpoint, but getting through the first meant Evan has not identified us.” “Oh, my god. We are going to get out, dad!” Melody was equally relieved that she was teary- eyed. “Wendell did not suspect us at all, and Evan, he – he was never able to connect me to my real identity!”

Melody still could not believe it. With Evan’s power, she thought Evan would have already learned! She exhaled, saying, “Luck is on our side.”

After making it a kilometer away from their neighborhood, Melody thought about Evan again. She inwardly said, ‘I’ll come back for you, Evan. When I do, I’ll be prettier, and I won’t make the same mistakes again.‘

The two of them drove for half an hour more, making their way to the middle of the city, when they encountered another inspection. This time, they were more confident. Yet again,

identification. The officer in

noticed two private vehicles arrived a few yards behind them, but since they were only private cars, they assumed they had been pulled over for inspection too. Seeing how the officer in front of them was so

and daughter exchanged

is here to see you. Can you and your daughter please step

asked. “Is there

out the back window and saw figures stepping out

car, sir,” the officer insisted, leaving Melody and Thomas with no

the officer what the problem was, while Melody did

Eventually, they heard a man’s ice–cold tone calling out to them. The voice came from Evan Thompson, and he was pacing towards them with his friends,

before them, Melody quickly looked down. She repeatedly gulped air down her throat. Whereas, Thomas spoke to

arrival of Evan Thompson, Melody and Thomas felt the temperature drop to near zero degrees. Melody’s knees were shaking, and Thomas

meaning of this? Were you not satisfied that your family nearly ruined us over

fit of teenage argument?” Evan asked. “Really? Pushing Shanty onto the road was just a fit of teenage argument? Shanty did not even fight back. Something! Is seriously wrong with your daughter? Have you considered having

was a long time ago, and

with complete

inches away, his frame towering over her. He was breathing loudly, almost like he was purring in anger. Behind him, Wendell was shaking his head, and Sean was narrowing his eyes at the woman. “Or should I say… Nicole

looked familiar. Even with your face changed. Your eyes remained the same!” “What?” After hearing Wendell, Melody unwittingly looked up. “I – I don’t know what you are talking about! Who is

came to Evan’s office. He

Shortly after, Evan’s private

that Nicole Lively

learning the truth, they set the plan in motion. With the help of the authorities, they allowed the father and daughter to believe they had gotten away, but Evan just wanted them to have a

raped. You will also be charged

are mistaken –” Melody tried to deny it, but the police kept

under arrest for conspiring with your


was shocked. He never expected

fucking Melody!” Evan barked. “We already know how you changed your name and face. I had

No, that’s not true!” Melody

you spouting about, Evan?!”

the father and daughter denied the accusations. They fought back, physically and verbally, to the point where the officers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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