The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Evan Hoped

Days passed.

With the help of Wendell’s father, Evan had Melody, and her father locked up. Although Thomas Campbell’s charges were less severe, and he was bound to be set free, he did not escape Evan’s wrath.

Thomas‘ unpaid property taxes surfaced, and the local government issued a memo to seize his mansion in Rose Hills. His illicit transactions with politicians in Rose Hills and in Lockwood were spread through the internet, and the truth about his failing business came to light.

Like what his father did in the past, Evan also announced a business ban against the Campbells. No one wanted to be associated with Thomas Campbell, and no private lawyer represented him. He was left to choose a public defender, who wasn’t that keen to support him as well.

Evan had never been angered in the same manner all his life that he made sure Thomas and Melody Campbell would learn to fear him. He used up all his influence, and he did not hold back.

However, despite receiving justice, despite going all out on Melody’s punishment, Evan’s heart was not at ease. He was angry at Melody, but he was more… mad at himself.

For days, he had been staying at his office, barely sleeping, and simply putting all his effort into his work and following up with the authorities. He hoped that by tiring himself, the heavens would forgive him for his oversight.

He had not spoken to his parents, and he avoided his friends. His Assistant, James, was also sensitive enough never to mention Nicole Lively or Melody Campbell in the office.

One afternoon, Wendell came to see Evan.

Evan had dark circles around his eyes. He had not shaved his face for days and appeared troubled.

with you, Evan? Nicole slash Melody is already behind bars,”

When he was done, he sucked in a breath. He shut his eyes and finally revealed what was bothering him.

as he gawked in no particular direction. He felt a lump in his throat, which was very difficult to gulp down. Eventually, he resumed, “I – I don’t know how to apologize to Shanty. Her family should be back

parents and I to quarrel!” He groaned and added, “If Nicole Lively did not happen,

it wasn’t directly your fault,” Wendell suggested. “As for your

“Uncle Erick did choose well for Shanty


Do you want her forgiveness because Nicole turned her into that insecure person you talked about? Or do you want more from her? Without Nicole – I mean, Melody, can

to Russia? Use that time to think through and plan for what you want. When you return,

gasped. The Scotts should have already returned from their vacation a few days ago, but he did not dare to

he brought an insane woman into their lives was not something he could easily swallow. He was ashamed. Even if he never cheated on Shantelle during their marriage, Nicole Lively was the reason for her paranoia, hence their periodic fighting during the last few months of their marriage. While


told Shantelle how he wanted her out of his life. When it finally happened, however, never made him contented. Shantelle’s absence and utter silence left an uncomfortable feeling deep inside him, one that he had not



bags. The next day, he was ready

for you,” Mrs.

it?” Evan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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