The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Nicole’s Judgement

Evan, his friends, and his family stayed in Lockwood for two days, finalizing documents. It was on the last day that

Evan asked Keith for a favor.

In the lobby of the same hotel they were staying, “Evan invited Keith for coffee.”

As they were drinking their beverages in front of a round table, Evan said to his friend, “I’d like to apologize again about, you know, Nicole.”

Keith laughed and answered, “No need to

apologize. That’s all good. Besides, I also

have things to be sorry about.”

“What?” Evan asked with a frown, but Keith just shrugged.

How could Keith tell Evan about

Shantelle? He can only keep his mouth


“That I am hotter?” Keith teased, and

Evan managed a weak smile.

“Fuck, you look like shit, Evan,” Keith

remarked. “You can’t even smile properly.

Evan groaned. He replied, “It hasn’t been

easy, but I’m trying to live through it.”

He looked at Keith and said, “Keith, I

need a favor.”

“What is it? Wasn’t it enough I approved those insurance claims? Evan, you better do your part and market Prima MedCare.

It was difficult for me to approve the kids’ policies. Most insurance companies do not cover pre-existing illness,” Keith said back. “I would not have agreed to it

without your promises.”

“I know. I owe you, and the children owe you,” Evan acknowledged. “Tell me if it

the policy


up. Haven’t you realized your thoughtful nature

slash Melody? I’m telling you, Evan, sometimes, you have to be cruel,” Keith

I get what you mean.” Evan nodded and answered, “I’ve already considered that, but it has nothing to do with helping a sickly child. It is better to


his coffee. After which, he

opened branches in ten states, and I

– you know people in the

more than I

on his knees.

silent. He sucked in a breath

wrong. I’m sorry, I did not listen to you about not divorcing Shanty. I regret it now, and that’s why I

Evan revealed.

left, Evan. Let her be,”


just want to try,” Evan reasoned. ” Please, help

agreed, saying, “I will do my best, Evan, but no promises. It’s not like

is always the

left the country.”

Evan,” Keith proposed. “I’ve dated a lot

they do many crazy things – give up many

it means they are tired of loving

love you anymore? Are you going to be

yourself into

asked. He finished

I will see how I can help you find Doctor

breath, listening to his friend’s words. After giving it much thought, he answered, “Keith, I don’t want to have another regret. I have to try

me, Keith,” he added. “I appreciate


since you have changed your

in this court,” the judge

since Evan

for the judge to give the

listened to both

Pieces of evidence

presented and reviewed.

to a decision. He asked everyone

first looked at


he directed his gaze to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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